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Address by Pope Francis to participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy – Vatican News

“Technological developments cannot be considered that do not improve the quality of life of the entire human race, but that lead to greater inequality and conflict,” said His Holiness Pope Francis in his speech to participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy.

During the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, His Holiness Pope Francis addressed the participants in which he said: We are all increasingly concerned about the strong impact that humanity has on nature and ecosystems. I learned that one of you, Paul Crutzen, in describing this effect on creation, referred to it as constituting the Anthropocene. Some members of your academy have been among the first to point out the growing influence of human activity on creation, and to study the dangers and problems associated with it. In fact, the Anthropocene shows its tragic consequences for nature and people, especially in the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity.

Therefore, I am grateful that the Pontifical Academy of Sciences continues to focus on issues like this, with particular attention to their impact on poor and marginalized people, continued the Holy Father forward. The sciences, in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the physical world, must never lose sight of the importance of using this knowledge to serve and strengthen the dignity of people and humanity as a whole. As the world faces serious social, political and environmental challenges, we clearly see the urgent need for a wider context, in which inclusive public communication depends not only on different scientific subjects, but also on the participation of all social parts. In this regard, I welcome and strongly recommend the determination of the Academy, in its various conferences, to pay attention to marginalized people and the poor, through including native people, and his wisdom in her conversations.

This year, your General Assembly will also consider emerging knowledge and new technologies, as well as opportunities related to science and planetary safety, said the Pontiff. I’m thinking in particular of the challenges that come with advances in artificial intelligence. Such development could benefit humanity, for example by encouraging innovations in medicine and health care, as well as helping to protect the natural environment and enabling sustainable use of resources in the face of climate change. However, as we will see, it can also have serious negative effects on populations, especially the most vulnerable children and adults. Also, it is essential that we recognize and prevent the dangers of the manipulative use of artificial intelligence to shape public opinion, influence consumer preferences, and interfere with electoral processes .

The Holy Father continued, saying: These challenges remind us of the human and moral dimensions that cannot be changed in all scientific and technological progress. Therefore, I would like to reaffirm the Church’s declaration that “the essential dignity of each person and the brotherhood that binds us as members of the same human family must be the basis for the development of new technologies to develop in the quality of life of all humanity, but, on the other hand, leads to “Increasing inequality and conflict cannot be considered real progress.” In this sense, more attention and research is needed on the impact of artificial intelligence on individuals and on the international community. I am pleased to learn that the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, for its part, is working to propose appropriate regulations to prevent risks and increase benefits in this complex area.

Pope Francis concluded his speech by saying, Dear friends, at a time when crises, wars, and threats to global security seem to be gaining the upper hand, your silent contribution to the advancement of knowledge is the service of the human family appears even more important to the cause. of world peace and international cooperation. I thank you for your participation in the work of the Academy and I wish you all the best for considering the current General Assembly. On you, your families, and everyone connected with your important commitment, I shower God’s abundant blessings and ask you to remember me in your prayers.

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2024-09-23 09:42:07

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