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Addition to Cyberpunk 2077 – work is ongoing; Paweł Sasko about the characters that were missing

In its recent transmission from game Cyberpunk 2077 Paweł Sasko – task designer in this production – he revealed a few details about the process of creating its plot, and revealed the secret about the upcoming story expansions.

Asked by one of the userswhether we can expect extensions this yearthe designer replied (02:55:40):

My friend, unfortunately I cannot tell you anything about our future plans. However, I can assure you that we are working on the extension and creating new content for you. This issue has not changed (…).

Sam I consider new tasks every day [do rozszerzenia dla Cyberpunka 2077 – dop. red.] and I talk to people about the content so it really arises.

Sasko also thanked the fans for their support and opinions on the work on the game.

We are still improving the game as we are all aware that there is still a lot of work to be done. Very much We’re glad you enjoyed Update 1.5because it gives us… hmm… motivation. Although, to be honest, we have never missed it.

This is more of a stimulus for further development of the game because you can see that you like it and you are showing your gratitude just by playing the game – which is great.

The designer also shared a curiosity straight from behind the scenes of the creation Cyberpunk 2077 (02:54:20).

Warning! The section below contains minor spoilers from the game Cyberpunk 2077.

When creating a mission Never Fade Away one of our assumptions was that we want to bring back some of the older characters. When I say older, I mean the ones that come from the original, paper one Cyberpunk.

Then we had to make an informed decision which of these characters will we encounter in the world of z 2077 year [gdy obejmujemy kontrolę nad V – dop. red.].

Our first idea – which I thought was wrong – was restoring them all. When we did it on paper, we said, “no, that feels a bit weird.” All those old characters that came back smelled like fanservice. It didn’t feel like a real story.

It was unreliable – so much time has passed, and all these celebrities are still alive and live in Night City. So we finally settled on balance between new and old characters.

This would explain why in the world Cyberpunk 2077 there were no such famous characters from Cyberpunk 2020how Spider Murphy if Morgan Blackhand. It is possible that we will see them in the mentioned extension.

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