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addicted to nitrous oxide, he turns a date into a nightmare


Editorial Meaux

Published on September 27, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

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One evening in October 2023, around 11 p.m., a young woman rang the doorbell of the Dammartin-en-Goële gendarmerie. Outside, the gendarme found himself faced with two people, one of whom had several injuries: his face swollen and bloody, his upper lip split and his left eye blistered and covered with a cockade.

Before being handed over to the firefighters for transfer to the emergency room, Amaya had time to provide some information. She met a certain Mehdi in Saint-Mard for the evening but the situation got out of hand when she “refused a sexual proposition”. He then got angry, beat her badly before abandoning her.

Social networks as a means of investigation

The two sisters took advantage of the waiting time at the hospital to begin an investigation. They first looked for a photo of Mehdi on social networks. Then, they broadcast it on Snapchat, asking for information on his identity which they were able to transmit to the gendarmes the next day: his place of residence, his job, his employer as well as his place of work.

As agreed the day before, Amaya went to the police station to file a complaint. She gave a much more detailed statement. A fan of the internet, she discovered Mehdi through his funny video sequences on TikTok. A few discussions were enough to agree on a first meeting, during a evening against a background of nitrous oxideea euphoric agent very popular with young people. Then, they agreed to meet again the following week in Saint-Mard.

This time the date was much more intimate, but still with Nitrogen as a partner. That evening, kisses were followed by caresses but Amaya refused to go any further, despite the insistence of Mehdi who, under the influence of nitrogen, seemed different and very excited. Then he lashed out, punching him several times in the face. Frightened, she left the vehicle and ran away.

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The hospital report mentions a mild concussion and determined, after examination, total incapacity for work (ITT) of 21 days. Investigators contacted Mehdi’s company and, once obtaining his address, initiated his arrest.

An implausible “self-defense”

On the day of the hearing, Mehdi appeared free. As soon as the facts were summarized by the judge, he claimed to have consumed nothing and immediately mentioned “ self-defense ». But he felt difficult to justify it, apart from a slap that Amaya would have given him. He then used a version that was more to his advantage and gave the victim the image of a hysteric.

But the judge did not buy the self-defense argument due to a total absence of physical evidence but instead described as “the response was disproportionate”.

Before beginning her argument, Amaya’s lawyer asked two questions: “How can you deliver such violent blows with the left hand while driving on the right? Why didn’t you call for help? “. She immediately noted the contradiction in Mehdi’s response: “I wasn’t myself, I had taken nitrogen”, demonstrating the lack of credibility of her position. She continued by criticizing Mehdi’s attitude “his pride as a dominant male not accepting refusal, his cowardice in choosing to incriminate the victim rather than taking responsibility! “.

Finally, the public prosecutor qualified the offense as “gratuitous violence” and rejected Mehdi’s version. She requested a mixed prison sentence under electronic monitoring and probationary suspension accompanied by obligations and prohibitions.

The judge accepted the position of the public prosecutor and sentenced Mehdi to eight months of house arrest under electronic bracelet and ten months probationary suspension. He will have to undergo psychological treatment and respect a ban on contact with Amaya. He will have to pay him €4,000 provision and €1,000 for lawyer’s fees while awaiting the hearing on civil interests in April 2025. A medical assessment to be carried out before this deadline was granted to the young victim.

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