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Adapting Activities in Daycare Centers During All Saints’ Day Holidays: Vigilance, Education, and Outdoor Fun

This Monday, there are around 2,000 children in the 30 daycare centers in Nantes, almost 500 in those in Rezé. With the All Saints’ Day holidays, the entertainment teams are back in action in the leisure centers. Between rainy weather and attack alert, the teams adapt.

“There is more vigilance on reception timeson door closures”, indicates Amandine Chauveau, the deputy director in charge of Education at Accoord, the association which manages the recreational centers in Nantes.

“We also wanted to support our teams during this somewhat special period with educational resources to discuss and answer children’s questions,” specifies the director. For example, teams can use videos to explain the Vigipirate plan. “We don’t have the answers to everything, but at least the dialogue is open with the children.”

Activities outside despite the rain

As for activities, those outdoors planned by the Agreement remain relevant even if the weather deteriorates. “Children, despite the rain, will be able to enjoy naturewith bootsindicates Amandine Chauveau. There will be observations of small animals, garden projects.” Outings to Nantes museums are also planned and around thirty children will go to the Utopiales festival.

As soon as we can, we go out, even if it’s cool. The children are fond of going outside“, says Virginie Besson, the director of the Chêne-Gala de l’Arpej outdoor center in Rezé. Garden workshops and nature outings are planned. Children are also immersed in the world of Egypt, with imaginary visits to villages. “We have fun setting up games, sets, costumes. We put ourselves on stage.”

Almost normal holidays, even if the activity leaders are more vigilant than usual when welcoming and leaving the children. “The structure is secure. The doors are already locked outside reception hours and that will not change”explains the director. “We also know the families well”assures Virginie Besson.

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