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Adapted sport: the Montluçonnais Gaël Geffroy in silver with France in the 4x400m of the European indoor championships

We never have enough money! This is why, after having already won a silver medal Thursday on the 1,500 meters, Gaël Geffroy (21 years old), from the Montluçon Athletics club (Allier), did it again this Saturday on the relay 4×400 meters with the French adapted sport team, on the last day of the 2021 European indoor championships in Nantes. Not forgetting the bronze won on Friday over 800 meters, we can say that the Bourbonnais harvest is most complete.

The race

This Saturday, Gaël Geffroy was the third of four torchbearers tricolors of this 4×400 meters. In the lead when his turn came, he was able to maintain the gap he had on his Spanish pursuer. But a little mess at the passing of the baton and a nice comeback from the last Iberian rider deprived the Blues of victory. In the end, Spain (1st) wins ahead France (2nd) – which still beats its sound national record at 3’40 “50 – and Portugal (3rd).

“I never said two without three (for medals) and I did it! What happiness and proud to be in this France team. “

Gaël Geffroy (21 years old)

A look back at Gaël Geffroy’s silver medal on Thursday over 1,500 m

A look back at Gaël Geffroy’s bronze medal on Friday over 800 m

Next deadline for Gaël

After these three charms in three races (silver over 1,500 m and in relay; bronze over 800 m), the competition is over for Gaël who return to Montluçon. He will have a week to recover and refine his next (very) big goal: to set the best possible time over 1,500 meters (approximately 3’56 “00 against 4’00” 26 for his current record) during the meeting organized for him the Saturday March 20 in Vichy (Allier), in order to qualify for the Paralympic Games from Tokyo this summer.

Gaël Geffroy will play his qualification for the Tokyo Paralympic Games on Saturday March 20, 2021 in Vichy (Allier)

Text: Luc Barre
Photos: French adapted sports team

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