Giving information about their experiences about the troublesome process Emin Adanur used harsh words. While Adanur did not name names in his statements, he almost rebelled against those who prevented the opening of the board.
Adanur’s statements are as follows:
“Friends, that someone will have difficulties does not mean that this board will not open, you pay all your money – it’s over.
In the War of Independence of our BursasporToday, all those who shoulder the burden of this cause side by side with us will be commemorated in this city with HONOR. In Bursaspor, no one has any money left, the job is over, it’s over whether you make it easy or not. There were 44 files, not even 1 person helped from the beginning, it’s over again. Stop helping, they prevented it, it’s over again. They didn’t put me and my friends to sleep, but it’s over again. You have stayed a few people, just don’t prolong it! Ahmet said it, Mehmet did it, I don’t like Ali, I have a problem with Veli. They did it, okay, they did it, they broke you, me and the other one. Let’s get it together, fix everything that’s broken, we’re at the end of the road now. We still have 50 days for the official period of this work, all of these monies are paid 100 times, we want it to be finished as soon as possible and let us stand without needing anyone, do not prevent this, you can’t be an obstacle, but come on, be a party to Bursaspor, DON’T TREAT THE PLACE YOU EAT BREAD!“