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Adama Traoré: Hapsatou Sy’s passage on BFMTV did not go unnoticed

RACISM – “We are not against the police, we are against police violence.” As a wave of protest against racism and brutality committed by the police sweeps the world, France is also concerned through the Adama Traoré case.

And after Tuesday’s support rally, several personalities continued their duty of memory this Wednesday, June 3 in the media, like Hapsatou Sy, guest of BFMTV. With her clear and precise speech, the TV columnist and business manager seduced many viewers of the news channel and Internet users, as our video at the top of the article shows.

“Assa Traore is not responsible for people coming to the streets yesterday, the government is responsible,” she said in particular. “And we will continue to do so until this police violence, these insults, this permanent racism stops.”

“If there is no justice, there will be no peace”

“When we say that there is no problem in the police, we dishonor the function,” she also explained. “There are police officers who do their work very well. And the fact of not recognizing that some people do not do their job dishonors their function, spoils their function, which is why they are committed ”, continued Haspatou Sy, asking the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner to further condemn the faults police officers.

And to come to the Adama Traore case. “We are not just talking about a racist act, we are talking about the death of a young French man who went to get his identity card,” she insisted.

“He is a young man who had a family, a family that has been fighting for years to get the truth. As the family of George Floyd, as the whole world demands justice, ”finished Hapsatou Sy. “If there is no justice, there will be no peace. And if normality is police violence, then normality will be these gatherings. ”

See also on the HuffPost: Zemmour puts a layer on Hapsatou Sy against young hilarious LR

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