Home » today » Entertainment » Adam Zdrójkowski confesses that he had to take ANTI-DEEPRESSANTS: “My head crumpled”

Adam Zdrójkowski confesses that he had to take ANTI-DEEPRESSANTS: “My head crumpled”

Adam Zdrójkowski gained recognition thanks to the role of Kuba Boski in the series “Rodzinka.pl”. He was only 11 years old, when he joined the cast of the show. The format quickly gained immense popularity, which translated into more suggestions for the young actor. He could be seen in, among others, “First Love”, “Father Matthew” or “Don’t Worry About Me”. He also started acting in movies.

The relationship with a friend from the “Rodzinki.pl” plan has undoubtedly helped him in his career, Wiktoria Gąsiewska, because thanks to him Adam aroused even more media attention. Unfortunately some time ago the relationship with Wiktoria broke upand it was hard for Zdrójkowski to recover from it.

See also: Adam Zdrójkowski: “The gym is a great springboard”

After parting, a 21-year-old threw himself into work. Participation in subsequent projects, such as the series “Przyjaciółki” or the show “Your Face Sounds Familiar”, helped him not to think about a broken heart. Now, however, Adam admits that it took its toll on his psyche. In an interview with Party, he says that he had huge fluctuations in well-being.

When the pictures come to an end you feel a tremendous adrenaline rush and a kind of sadness comes in. (…) It’s harder to come back to earth after attending a show where you are operating at top speed from morning to night – explains.

Zdrójkowski he confesses that he gave up pharmacological treatment. However, he insists that he is now better able to cope with the pressure.

It happened that after such a marathon I was on antidepressants because my head crashed and my body was still crying out for adrenaline reveals. I guess I had to fall over to learn to get up. Over the years, however, I have learned that balance is important in life, which is why I take care not to shoulder too much.

Do you appreciate his honesty?

You’re implying that he was taking medication because of his breakup and that it was because of his work.


5 hours ago

A couple in love, Seb and Rafalala

I understand and respect. Today, every second person is mentally ill. Such hard, crazy times. Employers want and demand more and more. A man chases money, what is happening in the world does not fill you with optimism. Lack of support. He heals very well and talks about it openly. Better than to take drugs and pretend everything is fine … until

It’s sad, but it’s hard for a relationship at the age of 20 to last a lifetime. You have to try with a few people to know what you want


5 hours ago

He will be more handsome and more masculine with age, and Mrs. Wiktoria will be more make-up and more shaven. They could meet halfway like 30 steak… then they would look maxa🐸

Latest comments (46)

And I envy him. Yes, even that broken heart. I’m 5 years older and never had a man. I have not had any intimate moments with a guy, to be honest I have never even been in love. I do not have any great love or emotions. I wish I had a guy and had all these ups and downs, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can’t find anyone. Such a life is pointless

What is it like to live with a guy?

Join my prayerful, please, I pray the rosary every day until Easter (at least 1 decade) to Mary, Queen of Poland, for peace in Ukraine, for consent in Poland and for the strength of Poles to fulfill our task with courage, humility and God’s grace. I thank everyone who calls with me, “Who like God!” and will join the prayerful. If you do not have time for the rosary, ask even one sentence for our Queen to pray for our sins and beg the Trinity for mercy for the world and conversion for Russia. Thank you ❤

Unfortunately, such times that … almost everyone takes antidepressants😔this is really unpleasant … everything is difficult and very frustrating and with each new year it gets harder and harder, even though with New Year’s Eve and New Year’s wishes, everyone wishes to Siego year ehhh cosmos prices, relations by Covid disturbed, isolation, etc., no admission to the hospital, even if the person is in a moribund state and the family cannot be with him, etc., it’s a nightmare, everything rushes, even rushes and there is no respite …. 20 years ago, even Love was simple …. And there were real friendships, not fb🤔😞Keep up, Adaś

Under the article about rubik, someone wrote that an unemployed mother is the best thing for a child. Seriously? I would be ashamed to have such a mother!

Uncle good advice …

2 hours. ago

Young boy – the worst thing you can do is show that it’s hard and that it’s hard for you. Good advice – oil (even if you are suffering inside) oil and don’t show your emotions. Treat it like air and complete some of her best psiapsi. She would come back with her tail curled up and jealousy would eat her up. The older friend knows what is five. And a woman – if you treat it as the air will not burn out. Such a nature

Don’t forget, this is a young boy. Eyes on him every time something happens around him.

the generation of snowflakes, and you have to be hard!

the kids fell in love and pretended to be adults and that’s how it ends. you have to WARM UP for everything

This is lovely Adaś. So young. Youth is beautiful 🙂 It’s a pity that it passes so quickly 🙂

Beata and Piotr …

4 hours ago

To Aga: I think that he may like Beata more than Grażyna. He likes big, obese women who are older than himself. And she doesn’t have to divorce her husband. He’s renting something with a lover. Like Magda Gessler and Piotr Adamczyk many years ago. 😉 Aneczka and Manieczka’s face

If my driving instructor often tells me sexual overtones in various situations such as “do you prefer it so big?”, “We would knock it”, “when sucking it helps”, “I like to put it on, so I’ll put it on”, “unfortunately I don’t have an eraser to give you “,” I’ll take out my belt and I’ll shoot you in the ass “(he said that a few times already when I did something wrong), it means that he is hitting me, does he want to drag me to bed ????? (again !! – I’ve already slept with him once, but I thought it would never happen again). I also noticed that when I say something, she looks at my mouth. With all these texts, he smiles seductively and looks in such a way that I’m embarrassed and he feels as if he was devouring me with his eyes, the worst thing was when operating the car, I couldn’t focus because of the way he was staring. I am posting this comment under the second post because I want to know the opinion of a large number of people. What do you think?

Adam Zdrójkowski, after parting ways with Wiktoria Gąsiewska, threw himself into the whirlwind of work – whirlwind of work, hahahahahahahahahaha

Adam, come on. I mean, it wasn’t the only one.

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