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Adam Bielan about Jarosław Gowin, the United Right

We cannot tremble before every vote, how this or that politician will vote, with his foot, right or left – said PiS MEP Adam Bielan in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24, referring to the situation in the government camp. He added that the government coalition “must have a minimum of trust, a minimum of loyalty, a minimum of stability.”


Law and Justice MEP Adam Bielan has been in a dispute for several months with Jarosław Gowin, the deputy prime minister, leader of the Covenant, because he claims that he does not have a democratic mandate to act as the chairman of the Covenant, as no elections have been held. Bielan maintains that from February 4, as a result of the decision of the peers’ court, as chairman of the National Covenant Convention, he took over the duties of the party’s president. He also announced the creation of his own party.


“We cannot tremble before every vote”

More about the conflict with Gowin, as well as the situation in the United Right, Bielan spoke in Saturday’s “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24. He was asked whether a parliamentary majority could be formed in the Sejm without representatives of the Gowin party.

– The plan of every government in every parliament is to create the most stable majority possible. We cannot tremble at every vote, how this or that politician votes, what foot, right or left, and votes against. We cannot negotiate forever the same things that have been negotiated a long time ago – he said.

– We all see something happening with the Polish Order. Jarosław Gowin signed this document two weeks ago in front of millions of Poles, so that his associates would start to criticize this document several hours ago, and he himself began to distance himself gently from it – he said.

Read more: Adam Bielan: Jarosław Gowin put a cross on the United Right

“We cannot be held hostage by anyone’s ego”

– Jarosław Gowin has several deputies associated with him, these deputies are important today, but we cannot be hostages of anyone’s ego – he continued. And he added that in the government coalition “there must be a minimum of trust, a minimum of loyalty, a minimum of stability”.

In this way, he also referred to the rift in the United Right camp regarding the support for the candidate for the Ombudsman. Some representatives of the Gowin party, as well as the clubs of PSL, Civic Coalition, Left, and the Polish 2050 and Polish Affairs groups, supported the candidacy of Professor Marcin Wiącek, while Lidia Staroń, an independent senator, nominated Law and Justice.

– For many weeks Jarosław Gowin urged the leaders of the United Right to support Senator Lidia Staroń, he persuaded the senator herself to be this candidate and declared her full support – Bielan said.

When asked what the fact would be if Gowin had not voted for Lidia Staroń, Bielan replied: – Humanly, it will be, to put it mildly, Jarosław Gowin’s inelegant behavior towards Lidia Staroń.

“This is a fundamental issue for parliamentary democracy in Poland”

Bielan also spoke about the legal aspect of his conflict with Jarosław Gowin over the leadership of the party. He recalled that at the beginning of February, the peers’ court announced the end of Gowin’s term of office because no new elections for the party’s chairman had been held in three years.

The MEP was also asked who, in his opinion, the leaders of the United Right party – Jarosław Kaczyński and Zbigniew Ziobro – would consider the chairman of the Agreement. – It does not matter who you recognize as the president of the party or any other politician, it is important who the president of the party is legally, with the status – he said to the leader of the program. Despite repeating this question several times, the politician did not answer it directly.

He said that “for three years Jarosław Gowin has not had a democratic mandate to act as president”, and according to the law, the president of the national convention, that is he, is acting president.

– There are many misunderstandings around this case, there are court proceedings pending, which, according to the practice of the District Court in Warsaw, may take up to three and a half years – continued the politician. At the same time, he added that “this is a fundamental issue for parliamentary democracy in Poland.”


Bielan: it is important who the president of the party is legally, with the status TVN24

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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