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ADAC buys business travel specialist MfG Travel

ADAC Reisevertrieb continues to focus on growth and, after recently taking over 70 Galeria travel agencies, is taking over the business travel specialist MfG Travel from Unterhaching near Munich on September 1st. The company, owned by managing director Fred Buchberger (photo), also operates a travel agency and was previously part of Derpart.

The sale will be completed on September 1st, the parties announced. The buyer of MfG Travel is ADAC Hessen-Thüringen Beteiligungsgesellschaft GmbH, the purchase price is not known. The company MfG Travel focuses on business travel and also operates a tourism office at its Unterhaching location, the ADAC announced. The 50-strong team around managing director Fred Buchberger has built up an extensive customer portfolio in the business travel sector in recent years and is one of the strongest corporate service units in Germany.

ADAC with 250 travel agencies and 500 million euros in sales

“It is an important step to be able to further expand our business travel division ADAC Travel Management Services (TMS). MfG Travel operates throughout Germany and is also very successful with international corporate customers,” say Aquilin Schömig and Andreas Neumann, Managing Directors of ADAC Travel Sales. “With this acquisition, we have reached our first milestone in terms of sales volume and number of travel agencies. With around 250 travel agencies, we will generate sales of over 500 million euros in the new financial year,” say the two Managing Directors.

Growth in business travel

“With this new acquisition, we are expanding our market position in the area of ​​business travel,” says Andreas Hartel, Managing Director of ADAC Hessen-Thüringen. The previous shareholders of MfG Travel GmbH are staying on board. “I am very happy to be able to integrate our company into a travel agency network with extremely solid and professional management. Combined with the strong ADAC brand, I see a secure further development in the future – both for our company and for our employees,” explains Fred Buchberger, Managing Director of MfG Travel.

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