seized. several of thearrested reside in brooklyn,including some withrecent multiple arrests.New York authoritiesthey face the great desirein these festivities, theyclairvoyance facts.acts of violence.we spoke with several leaderscommunity on the subject.threatens enjoyment insummer.users confess to beingalerts.>> be careful. not to doweird things.>> I try not to carry you can walkquietly.reporter: the department ofcop is still in search ofsuspected of stabbingsthat are operating in brooklyn.>> we are monitoring eachcorner of town.reporter: July 2,last year there were severalincidents, like the three andthe four. compared tothis year, there has been areduction.he ate with astabbing and a shooting.>> there is more division. you feeldivision and confrontation.reporter: a pastor tells us>> the politicians areserving some communitiesand others not.reporter: what can we doto fix it?>> the leaders and the policehave to sit with the