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Actress Randa Kaadi Shares Insight on Rising Star Razan Jamal in Exclusive Interview

في حلقة غير مسبوقة من برنامج “المجهول” الذي عرض يوم السبت على شاشة LBCI، أدلت الممثلة اللبنانية الموهوبة راندا قاضي بالعديد من التصريحات في مقابلتها مع الصحفي رودولف هلال.

في أحد الفقرات، سأل رودولف الممثلة راندا قاضي عن رأيها في الممثلة الصاعدة رزان جمال، خاصة بعد مشاركتها معها في العمل التمثيلي “الثمن”. ردت الأخيرة قائلة: “عيناها تتحدثان عن الكثير من الأشياء، ولذلك فهما مليئتان بالصدق”.

من الناحية المهنية، كشفت الممثلة راندا قاضي أن رزان جمال لا تزال غير مستعدة للتنافس مع نجوم لبنان في الدراما العربية، وقالت: “رزان لديها منطق أوروبي لأنها عاشت خارج لبنان”، مضيفة باللهجة اللبنانية العامية: “تحتاج لفرك لبناني في لبنان”.

هل ستحل الممثلة رزان جمال محل الممثلة اللبنانية الأسترالية دانييلا رحمة؟

لمشاهدة الحلقة الكاملة، انقر هنا.

What factors could be influencing the growing desire for government involvement in healthcare, as indicated by the Gallup study

According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2021, about 55% of Americans believe that the government should do more to solve problems. This number has increased from previous years, indicating a growing desire for government intervention. Additionally, the study found that Americans are generally supportive of government assistance programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, and environmental protections.

Another study conducted by Gallup in 2020 found that 57% of Americans believe that the government should provide a guarantee of healthcare for all citizens. This marks a significant shift in public opinion, with more Americans advocating for government involvement in healthcare.

These studies suggest that a majority of Americans do want the government to provide solutions to societal problems and take on a larger role in areas such as social welfare and healthcare. However, it is important to note that there is still a significant minority who may hold different opinions on the role of government. Public opinion can vary depending on political affiliation, socioeconomic status, and personal beliefs.

2 thoughts on “Actress Randa Kaadi Shares Insight on Rising Star Razan Jamal in Exclusive Interview”

  1. “Randa Kaadi’s exclusive interview sheds light on the promising talent of Razan Jamal, a rising star in the acting industry. It’s always inspiring to witness the potential of young artists and I can’t wait to see what Jamal brings to the table in her upcoming projects. Keep an eye out for this talented newcomer!”

  2. Razan Jamal’s talent is truly undeniable, and it was fascinating to hear about her journey from the inspiring actress Randa Kaadi. Can’t wait to see this rising star shine even brighter in the future!


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