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Actress Luo Meiling’s Unexpected Pregnancy Announcement and Surprising Baby Name Plans

▲Luo Meiling unexpectedly became pregnant with her third child. Her husband was dumbfounded and planned to have a sterilization next year. (Photo/photo by reporter Huang Yingrong)

[NOWnews今日新聞] 43-year-old actress Luo Meiling married actor Terry (Jiang Zhenkai) in 2015 and has two sons, Xiao Jiyang and Xiao Hongdou. Today (16th), Luo Meiling attended a traditional Chinese medicine event with her mother and made a surprise announcement, “Three lovely babies are in my belly”! She also said with a smile: “My husband is the most dumbfounded!” Luo Meiling revealed that the pregnancy was an accident. The baby is now 18 weeks old and has undergone amniocentesis. However, the sex of the baby will not be known until next week. Will she hope that it is a daughter? She sang her heart out: “I hope so!” Of course, her husband also hopes that the baby will be a girl, and plans to have the baby sterilized next year after he is born.

Luo Meiling appeared in a black dress today, with a slightly round figure. She and her mother originally participated in the Five Types of Traditional Chinese Medicine weight loss, but they got a big surprise. She unexpectedly became pregnant with the baby. She shouted, “It’s really unexpected!” She was 1 month old The pregnancy test didn’t happen for 2 months. Unexpectedly, the pregnancy test showed 2 lines. Her immediate reaction was “No way! How could it be!” She said frankly, “There was really very little (sexual intercourse) at that time.” Normally, the number of sexual intercourses was about 1 Once a month, and there was a period to avoid danger, but I still got hit.

▲The baby in Luo Meiling’s belly is already 18 weeks old, and the gender will be known next week. (Photo/photo by reporter Huang Yingrong)

Luo Meiling’s mother gave birth to 6 children. She revealed that her family members all had polycystic ovaries. She participated in traditional Chinese medicine to lose weight. Unexpectedly, she found out she was pregnant after only two consultations with a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. She laughed and said: “My body is really well adjusted.” ! “

The couple has already discussed the baby’s baby name. Luo Meiling said that next year is the Year of the Dragon, and she originally thought of many cute baby names related to “dragon”, such as “Dragon Beard Candy”, “My Neighbor Totoro”, “Dragon Ball”, and “Tornado”. Because her belly felt so big and she always felt like there was a small bun inside her body, Luo Meiling hoped to call it “Xiao Long Bao”. Unexpectedly, Terry, who is an addicted fan of Chow Yun-fat movies, hopes that his son (female) will be Jackie Chan. He hopes that his son will be called “Long Wu” when he grows up. He will be handsome and strong when he grows up, and his daughter will be named “Long Jiu”. Beautiful, sassy, ​​and upright, they both have different ideas about their child’s nickname.

As for whether Terry will go to the front line to accompany the childbirth this time, Luo Meiling said: “Terry accompanied me into the delivery room the last two times, and I think he will do the same this time. He is a good father who loves his children very much. I am very grateful. The most important moments in life are filled with love and care from your significant other and your family.”

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