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Actress Leona Skleničková: I feel like a ninja in kickboxing

The Czech-Slovak drama Shadow Play entered the cinemas in April, where you play one of the main roles, Greta’s hideout. It’s a thriller, was it hard to deal with tense scenes?

Yes, Shadow Play is challenging for both the audience and us actors. But in retrospect, I have it connected mainly with the joy of work. Filming more tense scenes brings an intense acting experience, because you have to immerse yourself in such a role. As an audience, we sometimes like to look at challenging, sad stories; as artists, we like to dive into the role and feel it to the bone.

The film was directed by Peter Bebjak, who has recently had significant success. For example, the series – Ninety, Guy, Ghost or Actor. What is his approach to actors?

Well, he enjoys his job immensely and enjoys working with actors. I think that’s where everything comes from. Because he is an open, direct person, you feel good about him and with him. It’s a pleasure to work with Peter and you’re looking forward to every new day of filming.

Are you boxing in Shadow Play, did this sport win you over?

I was lucky to get to the great coach Peter Tahal, the world kickboxing champion, in preparation for the film. Of course, he also has a classic box under his thumb, because the basis is the same. He prepared me for half a year, and we sat down nicely.

After filming, I continued to go to him, but no longer to classic boxing, but to kickboxing, which uses not only hand punches, but also kicks with my feet. In kickboxing, one feels like an even bigger ninja and expends all his energy during training.

With Slovak actor Milan Ondrík, the main hero of Shadow Play, as Greta, who goes boxing.

Photo: Falcon

For the film Greta, the gym replaced an unknown family, it was a certain extreme. I know you also have a difficult time – fighting anorexia. When and why did she start?

It was around the age of twelve. When she drove off, I didn’t even realize what was going on, what I had taken over and created as formulas, and where it could lead. That’s when the irrational thought came to me that in order to have friends, she was popular at school, so I had to be as thin as my classmates or even thinner.

When I was little, I didn’t know how to make friends, how to behave in a team, be alone and feel good. It was the wrong way for a while and it took me a while to realize it.

How is an eating disorder actually treated?

The first step for me was to admit that I was hanging out in a circle. It was also important to realize how much I was worried and to admit it to my mother, who was a great support. She took me to the doctor, which is important. They will support you by telling you that you are not weak, that it is a disease and that you can get out of it.

I started going to a psychotherapist, to a day hospital for sitting, where I met, for example, girls who had to have a caloric intake for three months under the supervision of doctors in the hospital. It meant a lot to me to see how far the disease could go. It scared me right. I, thank God, never collapsed at the worst stage.

Actress Leona Skleničková

Photo: Jan Handrejch, Právo

What ultimately helped you in the fight against the disease?

(thinks for a long time) I guess that’s when I allowed myself not to deal with the “disease” for a while, to stop being so careful and to be free. Although at first I felt terrible that I had no control over my life, I was afraid, but then I saw the reactions of the surroundings to how suddenly I was shining. I’ve gotten a lot more successful in my life.

You played anorexic in the series Mr. Professor. Wasn’t it hard to go back to the torturous past?

This was really very personal, because I drew on my own feelings at the gym. Sometimes it was hard to shake it off and realize – Leon, you’re fine now and you feel good about yourself. At the same time, I knew in advance that I wanted to go into this role to the fullest. Take the opportunity to tell a difficult story current for a lot of girls and maybe boys.

You studied acting in London. Why not at DAMU?

The original plan was to go the classic proven way, my only application in the high school graduation year went to DAMU. I put all my hopes in the admission procedure, I started preparing monologues a year in advance. I made such a needle eye out of it and thought that the only possible way was to go through the admissions process. And then I’ll be able to do what I want.

There are three-wheeled entrance exams at DAMU, I enjoyed all the bikes, but then it happened that I stayed a few places below the line. That was a big blow to me. I tried to knock and see what was going on. English has always been my great passion. So I went to London and I appreciate being able to study there for a while.

Actress Leona Skleničková

Photo: Jan Handrejch, Právo

Do you probably love music when, after returning from London, it was time to study musical acting?

Yes! I started taking singing lessons a year before the entrance exams. Until then, I worked in the school choir, sang, but I never completely believed in singing. By discovering solo singing lessons, I found a new passion in it. This artistic expression charges me a lot. I would like to combine singing with acting in the future.

The reception for the musical was a surprise, which I appreciated all the more. The professors gave me a chance to improve, especially in the field of dance, where I had much less technical experience than other classmates.

The acquired British accent allowed you to get into the theater company Prague Shakespeare Company, in which mostly foreign actors work?

I started working with them already during my high school studies, thanks to the actress Anežka Rusevová, who prepared me for admissions at DAMU and also played with them before. It was my first encounter with Shakespeare’s English. She is beautiful, just like old Czech, different, uses different forms, words, has a rhythm of jamba in her.

The Czech fantasy comedy series Czechia (wo) men, in which you play one of the main roles, will soon be shown on television. What’s going on?

It is a barbaric comedy in the style of Monty Python humor, which is playful and sometimes biting. It takes place at a time when the Celts and Boys lived in our territory. It is also my first production work, when I participate in the creation of this series with director David Stejskal and other talented people. He co-wrote the idea with Jan Parma.

The Czech stuntman, Zdeněk Gloser, is also behind the project. So far we have shot the pilot and we are in the post-production phase. Sound tuning and coloring await us and we are looking forward to starting to offer the series for production.

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