Home » today » Entertainment » Actress Laverne Cox has stopped lying about her age | Stars

Actress Laverne Cox has stopped lying about her age | Stars

entertainment">Cox, who explained that she first panicked about her age 22 years ago after being rejected by her partner because he thought she was too old. “I was 28 and he was 21. When he dumped me, I thought, ‘If I’m too old, I’ll just be 22.'”

entertainment">In the years since, Cox used to say she was 22 years old when anyone asked her age. Still, she reached a point where she felt uncomfortable with that. “Back then I always said I was ‘over 21’. And that was me from 2002 to 2019.”

anxiety attacks

entertainment">In that year, IMDB found out how old Cox actually was. “That gave me anxiety attacks,” Cox says now. “I was afraid that people would stop asking me for odd jobs because I was too old.”

entertainment">With the help of a therapist, the actress got over her fear. “I thought everything was going to collapse, but nothing changed at all. For me it was a reminder that you can be ashamed of something when it makes no difference to others at all.” Now Cox is trying to “get used to” calling her real age more and more often.

entertainment">On May 29 of this year, the actress will celebrate her fiftieth birthday.

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