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Actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite’s Journey to Motherhood at 53

Many should learn the skill of an actress.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite for the first and only time knew the happiness of motherhood at an “advanced” age by modern standards. The actress became a mother at the age of 53. But she decided to talk about her new status only in a documentary dedicated to her 55th birthday.

Around the same time, Dapkunaite told why she did not dare to have children for so long. It turned out that, looking at her acquaintances and friends, the star was simply afraid of the dramatic changes that would overwhelm her life due to possible motherhood. However, the actress managed to overcome her fear and, of course, did not regret it.

She showed her only son to the general public only once. But the heir of the actress does not have any “features”. Just at the dawn of her career, Dapkunaite decided that she would clearly separate her creative life and personal life. Therefore, the artist has been protecting her family for many years as a tigress from the press and prying eyes.

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