Actress Denisa Nesvačilová had a busy day at the Karlovy Vary festival on Tuesday. During her stroll through the city, she managed to pose for photographers and later ran into her ex-boyfriend Petr Koleček and his wife Aneta Vignerová at one of the events. In the evening, Denisa went out partying with her friends and visited several establishments. At the Campari bar, she performed sensual dances in front of Express reporters. It seemed more like an attempt to attract attention rather than genuine enjoyment.
While most celebrities bring their significant others to Karlovy Vary, Denisa Nesvačilová opted for a different approach. She was accompanied by several friends at the festival, with the most prominent being CNN Prima News presenter Josef Mádle, who is happily in a relationship with another man.
On Tuesday evening, Nesvačilová and her male companions went out partying at several clubs. While she happily posed for photographers during the day, she later showcased her sensual dance moves at the Campari tent party, where performers such as Emma Smetana and Jordan Haj took the stage.
The real party started when young DJ NobodyListen took over the turntables. He was previously associated with writer Radka Třeštíková. Express’s cameraman captured Denisa’s interactions with her friends. However, she didn’t consume many drinks. The actress had previously revealed that she often drinks non-alcoholic beverages at parties.
Nevertheless, Nesvačilová partied until the early hours of the morning. Before the Campari tent party, she attended a more upscale event hosted by Allwyn and concluded her “tour de bar” at the legendary Becher’s Bar.
Check out all the photos in the gallery.
What was Denisa Nesvačilová’s preference for beverages at parties, according to previous mentions
Actress Denisa Nesvačilová had an eventful day at the Karlovy Vary festival on Tuesday. From posing for photographers to unexpectedly running into her ex-boyfriend and his wife, her day was anything but predictable.
Instead of the usual company of a significant other, Nesvačilová chose to surround herself with friends during the festival. One of her notable companions was CNN Prima News presenter Josef Mádle, who happens to be happily involved with another man.
As the sun set, Denisa and her male friends hit the town, hopping from one club to another. While she willingly posed for cameras earlier in the day, things took a turn towards the sensual when she displayed her dance skills at the lively Campari tent party. It seemed that capturing attention was more of a priority rather than genuine enjoyment.
The real thrill began when DJ NobodyListen took over the music, setting the scene for an unforgettable night. Express’s cameraman caught glimpses of Denisa’s interactions with her friends, though it was apparent that she wasn’t indulging in many drinks. The actress had previously mentioned her preference for non-alcoholic beverages at parties.
Nevertheless, Nesvačilová continued to revel in the festivities until the early hours of the morning. Starting off at the upscale Allwyn event and concluding the night at the iconic Becher’s Bar, she completed her “tour de bar” in style.
For a closer look at all the captivating moments, be sure to explore the photo gallery.