themes · Famous couples
The actress Begoña Vargas and the singer Andrés Ceballos, from the group DVicio, have attended the wedding of Willy Bárcenas and Loreto Sesma together and have shown themselves to be very much in love
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First words of the actress Begoña Vargas and the singer Andrés Ceballos after confirming their engagement.
Europa Press
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The wedding of Willy Barcenas and Loreto Sesma has discovered a surprise couple. The actress begona vargas and the singer Andres Ceballos, from the Dvicio group, have come together. Hand in hand, they have spoken their first public words as a couple.
2023-05-28 12:10:05
#words #actress #Begoña #Vargas #singer #Andrés #Ceballos #confirming #engagement