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Actress Anne Hathaway asks not to be called by her name

Anne Hathaway, is one of the most recognized actresses of Hollywood and precisely because of its recognized name, it gave the surprise a few weeks ago in The Tonight Show, presented by Jimmy Fallon, where through a video call revealed that does not like to be called by name.

The 38-year-old actress, winner of the Oscar, the Golden Globe, the BAFTA and the SAG to Best Supporting Actress, He confessed that he hates being told “Anne”. On this, Fallon asked him what he should call her, if “Annie or Anne”. Hathaway replied “Can we talk about my name for a moment? Let’s open the drawer ”.

The interpreter of “The Devil Wears Prada”, explained that from 14 years Due to her card of the union of actors and actresses, she continues being recognized with the name of “Anne” in all the credits. Explaining that at that moment when she was consulted she told them “well, it should be my name. My name is anne hathaway“. Adding that it seemed correct, but that never imagined that the rest of his life would be called that.

On the other hand, the American said that the only person in the world who treats her for Anne is his mother in moments of anger. “Every time I go out in public and someone calls me that, I think they are going to yell at meHe explained.

Thus, he expressed that until now has had no problems with her co-workers, as they look for a way to address her as “Miss H” The “Hath”. “The truth is that nobody feels comfortable never calling me Anne. Does not fit“, he claimed.

Laughing, Jimmy Fallon mentioned that he prefers to tell her Mia Thermopolis, name with which he rose to fame in the film The princess’s Diary. “Call me anything but Anne”, concluded the actress.

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