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Actor Tom Holland’s farewell to Peter Parker?

Nice, concrete and unfiltered, so he talks Tom Holland about Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) which is close to having its premiere mundial in Los Angeles, California, United States, on December 13 and that will reach all latitudes on the 17 of the same month.

The actor speaks cautiously and without revealing spoilers with Report Indigo about what his future might look like as Peter Parker, role that he took in Captain America: Civil War (2016) and who later began his film trilogy with Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017). Holland signed a contract for only six tapes, three solo and three for him. Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Parker is the secret identity of Spider-Man, but he is not the only one who has worn the suit of hero arachnid, since this fictional character is the first of several who will later take the mask of the Manhattan vigilante and since Holland has already fulfilled his work with Sony Pictures, doing Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) and Spider-Man: No Way Home, He doubts if he will return to incarnate the superhero.

“I’m not sure, it’s not up to me, but I love Spider-ManBecause he’s been such a huge part of my life, it would be a very, very sad moment to have to say goodbye to him, but again, I have to do what’s best for me, for the character, and for the fans. I have the beauty of choice now, so I’ll make that choice. What will it be? I don’t know, but I’m excited for the future ”, he describes nervous and avoiding the camera in video call.

As of press time, no international media has managed to see Spider-Man: No way home. Sony Pictures is suspicious of the film and they want to avoid at all costs leaks of information, but Holland claims that this movie is definitely the feature film inaugural of a multiverse at Marvel.

“Yes I think it is, they (Marvel) definitely nailed the Loki series, brought the idea of ​​the Multiverse to life, and with Loki it fits the line of what we’re going to see and want to do with Spider-Man, so we’re giving him like this kick-start and, well, taking a bit from where Loki left off in the show and picking up on that moment, ”Holland describes.

Although little is known about the plot of the film, Holland believes that in the comics from Marvel there may be a nod towards what will be seen on the screen, because, finally, Sony takes from there the direct reference to the characters that were created by Stan Lee.

“I think so, Marvel and Sony have always been taking inspiration from the comics, the minor details are in these movies because of those books, so that’s where the inspiration definitely comes from, but from what dramatic arc or what comics, I don’t know ”, he talks.

Villains to appear

In the advances that have been made public in social networks of this third movie, Spider-Man confronts the enemies that had previously appeared in the incarnations of other Spider-Men on the big screen; for example, he will have a fight with Doctor Octopus, who appeared in the franchise directed by Sam Raimi and where Peter Parker was the actor Tobey Maguire.

When questioning Holland if in addition to all the repertoire of antagonists that have been seen in the trailers, he will also appear Venom (interpreted by Tom Hardy in two feature films, one from 2018 and one from 2021) as a villain or his ally, the 25-year-old actor hesitated and said he couldn’t talk about it, but that it was something he was excited about, should it happen.

Of all the villains to appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home, the artist from London England, expresses that the one who seems the best is the Green Goblin, who will again be personified by Willem Dafoe, as he played it in the 2002 and 2004 Raimi tapes.

“I think the best villain that I faced in this film is the Goblin, some of the fight action sequences between Willem and me are incredible, and I think the fanatics they will be shocked when they see them, ”he says.

The evolution of character and Tom Holland

Something Tom Holland observes from Peter Parker and his portrayal as Spider-Man is that the trilogy he did, together with the filmmaker Jon Watts, was an evolution for Marvel’s arachnid hero, in addition to highlighting that the director has been the only one who has made three films in a row in the cinematic universe that now belongs to Disney.

“He has been the first director within Marvel who has done a franchise complete, which is amazing and what has the character development been like? Well, as we were making these films, we were very particular in how we told the story of Peter and his dramatic arc, we wanted this trilogy to be a story of how he was growing up ”, explains the actor.

Holland highlights that just in this film that closes the trilogy Parker has finished to matureIt is something that was already planned; It should be noted that the scriptwriters Chris McKenna Y Erik Sommers have been present in the creative process of all three Watts feature films.

“In this movie, finally, Peter matures and that was something we talked about all the time, how we were going to plan it. I love Peter’s arc, while it is tragic at times, it is incredibly uplifting, joyous, exciting and fun, so I am quite proud of Peter’s arc. “

Tom Holland


You can also read: There is Spiderman for a while: Tom Holland will star in a new trilogy in the UCM

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