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Actor Jeff Bridges Thought He Was Leaving His Job Due to Illness | backbiting

Actor Jeff Bridges seriously considered quitting acting after falling ill, he says in an interview with Variety. Bridges fell ill with cancer and was also infected with the corona virus, which further deteriorated his health.-

While filming his new movie The old The bridges got sick. The 72-year-old actor was diagnosed with lymphoma in October 2020. A year later, he said he was in remission and that no new cancer cells had been found in his body.

During his illness, the actor did not know if he would ever return to work. “I was seriously thinking about my retirement,” says Bridges now.

During the treatment, the actor became famous, among other things, for his roles in The Big Lebowski in Real courage, infected with the coronavirus. As a result, his health continued to deteriorate. “Cancer was a no-brainer compared to COVID-19.”

In the movie The old Bridges plays a retired CIA agent. Asked if he will ever retire, the actor replies: “You know, my father worked until his death. I don’t know if I will retire, I’ll see how it all works out.”

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