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Actor Jaroslav Čejka no longer knows about the world, a serious illness takes its toll

Comedian Jaroslav Čejka, who is best known as Mr. Hen, is not well at all. The popular actor suffers from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and is permanently confined to bed. While until recently he communicated with his surroundings in the blink of an eye, lately he has hardly known.

The legendary mime enjoyed the audience and gave them joy during his career. He perfectly imitated the actor Charlie Chaplin or the singer Tina Turner, but his role as a chamberlain in the popular fairy tale About Princess Jasněnka and the Flying Shoemaker is also unforgettable. But now Jaroslav Čejka lives in a home for the elderly and his health only deteriorates over time. “You know, unfortunately he contracted two diseases that are probably the worst in old age – Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,” he said some time ago, according to the website. stars24.cz Čejk’s friend Oldřich Bašuš, who is the only one who visits the comedian regularly.

The turning point came after my mother’s death

At the time when the actor’s mother Marie lived, Čejka was still in decent condition. He lovingly took care of his mother, with whom he lived in Prague in Smíchov, and was a great support for her. But when the important woman of his life died at the respectable 104 years, he was left alone, and health problems soon came to the fore. The actor first underwent hip surgery, after which he began using a walker. After a while, however, he ended up in a wheelchair and with his health it went from ten to five. He suffered a stroke, began treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and remained dependent on the help of others. Fortunately, he has a complete service in the home for the elderly, where he has lived for over ten years.

“From the beginning, when I visited him, he was still good enough to be able to talk. I took him out and we went to the pub next door for a beer. Then it got more complicated. There were days when he didn’t notice at all, at best, we communicated in such a way that he at least blinked. The last time we saw each other, not even that, “said 72-year-old Bashuš for CNN Prima News.

Everyone coughed at him

“Now that he was covid, it was more complicated, but no one had gone to see him before. Everyone asks him, he claims how to come to him, but still nothing. Everyone coughed at him, which I’m sorry about. In addition, of the relatives, he only has a sister who lives in Ostrava and also in a retirement home. It is sad. Jaroušek did not deserve this, “Bašuš added.

Čejka, who won Thalia for his lifelong art in dance and ballet in 2007, now lives in a small room. The walls are decorated with photographs from the times of his greatest glory, when he shone on the stage and starred in movies. There are photos of my mother on the table. According to Oldy Bašuš, the mima nurse only wakes up to food. “She feeds him or she is still asleep. The Actors’ Association bought him a TV that he still has, but doesn’t watch. But whatever you give him will peel like a raspberry. His appetite is admirable. But he no longer knows about himself, he doesn’t know anyone. That’s the scariest thing about it all. Unfortunately, this is no longer to live, “the actor’s friend concluded.

Mime Jaroslav Čejka as Mr. Slepice.

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Source: Youtube

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