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Actor Fedja van Huêt had to think after MeToo scandals: ‘I was lucky’ | Stars

entertainment">In The watchword Van Huêt calls it “very good” that the stories are now floating to the surface and the situation “had to explode for a while”. “A lot of men are now sitting with their buttocks squeezing, waiting for what is to come,” he thinks.

entertainment">The actor, who recently starred as Matt Herben in the NPO series The year of Fortuyn, has taught himself in the past. Then, according to him, you have to watch out for “how cozy you make it”. “You can go to the pub once, you can take them out to dinner, but you always have to keep your distance. You are their teacher, not their friend. They are young, vulnerable people. They are still children. You keep your feet off that.”

entertainment">Van Huêt himself has never had bad experiences. “I’ve always set my boundaries, but that’s also because I was doing well at the academy, no matter how young I was. I was in the position that I already had something to say. It is often the most vulnerable who are the victims. (…) I was lucky.”

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