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Actor Eddie Deezen arrested for robbery

Eddie Deezen, actor de Grease (Vaseline) is behind bars, again!, for theft and trespassing.

Deezen, who played the role of Eugene Felsnic in the film Grease (Grease), in 1978 and its 1982 sequel, was arrested in Maryland on April 9 for robbery, two counts of trespassing and disorderly conduct, as shown on his jail record.

The 65-year-old actor is in jail and has been assigned bail.

Police declared to TMZ that Deezen forced his way into a private nursing home and refused to leave after a woman told him to leave.

Deezen is also alleged to have tried to enter a patient’s room before he was rushed out and detained.

The Polar Express actor allegedly showed up at the asylum facilities in the morning, but when he returned at night, the employees decided to call the police.

The victim told authorities that Deezen has shown up several times and leaves behind items accompanied by notes.

A person residing near the nursing home also saw Deezen on his security camera trying to break into his property, so he too decided to call the police.

The Midnight Madness actor was also arrested in September 2021 at a Maryland restaurant after allegedly causing a riot, refusing to leave the premises and throwing plates and food at officers.

Deezen was charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing for that altercation.

Before that, the comedian was involved in yet another incident at another Maryland restaurant in which he was accused of harassing a waitress and giving details of his obsession with her on Facebook.

“Eddie Deezen is a creep who comes to my workplace at least once a week, calls other servers on the phone and asks my work hours and if he comes and I don’t have makeup on he leaves,” said waitress Kara Lashbaugh, on Twitter in June 2021 including screenshots of Deezan’s capitalized posts of her.

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