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Activities began in the future new Hemotherapy Center of La Plata

The Regional Hemotherapy Center of La Plata (Crhlp) is going to have a new headquarters in the city, specifically on Calle 71 between 26 and 27, but as the transfer date has not yet been defined, they began with some activities so that the neighbors are aware of the future change.

Thus, during the day on Friday a new blood collection was carried out in order to complete the stock that a short time ago had entered a “yellow alert” due to the low number of donors.

“The donors are getting closer, in the cold days we had some problems, but now the donation is picking up. It is advised that they eat breakfast before going to donate, if possible things that do not have fat. It is also important to hydrate and come rested because if you cannot faint ”, he marked daily today Dr. Alejandra De Bonis, care director of the Center.

He also noted that today there will be a very important donation on the Boca club field, where the Center will participate with posts. For this reason, and recalling the different donation points of the “Donate blood in your neighborhood” campaign, the professional stated that “the external collection is part of our daily work, we started it with the pandemic so that people did not have to travel a lot” .

According to the Crhlp, the idea of ​​the collection on Friday is to begin to present where donors will have to go in the medium term when the new headquarters is established as such.

Although there is no precise transfer date and the move will be in stages, the last thing that will happen to the headquarters on Calle 71 is the extraction room that does not yet have a specific date of commissioning.

Work with plasma continues

In addition to the work regarding blood collections and their treatment, from space the work is being maintained with the production of plasma for patients with Covid-19 as a therapeutic possibility, a work that began to be developed during May of last year.

“We have already produced more than 15,000 units of plasma, we have a good stock to be able to respond if there is a new wave of the virus. Last year was a whirlwind of work, the worst months were August and September. We don’t want it to take us by surprise like last year ”, highlighted De Bonis.

Also, the doctor said that if this plasma is not used in patients with coronavirus “possibly it will be used as conventional plasma for people and the other possibility is to send it to the National University of Córdoba where hemoglobulin is produced.”

Finally, he clarified that “the donation is universal, not for someone in particular, but we ensure that the patient will have the product in a timely manner.”

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