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activists throw fake blood on advertising posters

Activists, from several collectives, led an action to protest against sexist advertising posters and Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 13 in the morning. Billboards were covered with fake blood and posters plastered

“Down with publisexism”, “Valentine’s Day enriches the patriarchy”, or “I sacrifice the planet for the long term, to show my love once a year”. Placed on numerous advertising boards in Bordeaux on Saturday February 13, these slogans are representative of the fight led by several groups including Extinction Rébellion Bordeaux, ANV COP-21 Gironde and Collages Féministes Bordeaux.

Activists led an action early in the morning, the day before Valentine’s Day, to protest against “the cults of thinness, youth, hair removal, whiteness, stereotypes” but also against sexism and overconsumption. “The worst thing is that even when we are aware, we are still too used to seeing sexist advertisements on a daily basis,” explains one of the coordinators of the event.

This action was also an opportunity to protest against Valentine’s Day, a celebration considered “commercial”. The activists “bloodied” – with red paint – the windows of several ready-to-wear signs to denounce the use of the body for commercial purposes. Other actions are planned with the aim of International Women’s Rights Day on March 8.

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