take your supplies.this is a video reportfor you of ourtalented companion.it is a lot of help because there is nojob.when the pandemic hit,we realized that theneed was very greathere. since thepandemic, we’ve beenhanding out food and the sevendays of the week sometimes.it’s very good because manyfamilies do not have money forbuy food for your familyfor everything that is happening.right now atruck with milk, vegetablesfresh.we are in a very situationdifficult. they lent us acamón that we are using forfour months. the person does notneeds and we have todeliver. we don’t have fundsto buy one. Now we havean account we are dealing withto raise the money for himcamon.that truck transports usall the food of thedifferent banks to helpthe families.without the truck, there is noopportunity to followhelping in these timesdifficult.they are helping manyfamilies without food.there are many families sequencewithout eating.lón: to help this cause or