the boyfriend of the mother of thebeé. the investigation continuesand the charges could beupdated.hope: legislators andactivists showconcerned about the lack ofguidelines to prevent contagionof coronavirus in the centersof older adults.romy cabral reports the failureswhat they point to and how does thecondition.romy: with the conclusion of thestate of emergency for thepandemic three weeks ago,the orders also convergedexecutives who followed thecenters for seniors, toin order to control contagionsof coronavirus. since then,nursing home authorities haverequired to the department ofhealth give specific guidelines,the same thing they asked for in onestate legislator saidmission 41 that the centers arein a limbo of questions withoutanswer.said that residents ofnursing homes are very vulnerable,they need clear guidelines inregarding visits or useof the common dining room. they havemany questions and we have seenwhat has happened these the fear of distributing thetragedy that took lifeof wings of 15,000 residents inasylums for coronavirusthat provokes activists andrelatives that the state hascenters and May there were 48% ofvaccinated, but there is oneopen communication.romy: the cases of the newdelta variant of the coronavirushave increased. an expertdoctor tells us if this couldendanger the centers ofolder adults andsuggestions to keep theminsurance.vulnerable areas and weworries wings. It is important thatthe governor and the departmentstate health to review whatthat has been done.romy: they have provided thenursing homes a gíaupdated on visits thataligns with the centers ofmedicare services andmedicaid.also the requirements ondischarge from hospital activistsand legislators say they areconfused and leave manyquestions, especially aboutHow to deal with patients andunvaccinated workers.situation of the asylums before avirus regrowth, without measuresestablished, is that 67% ofthe workers of thesecenters in new york esánfully vaccinated, whichwould facilitate the contagion of