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Activision Postpones Call of Duty Seasons Due to Protests in US – Gaming – News

because I think if you are angry or disagree with something (more than the right one in this case), it doesn’t make sense to just burn someone else’s stuff.

I think you’re missing some context then? Yes, in itself this certainly looks like a very hard escalation. Maarrrrr …

This is not the first time this has happened, there is a laundry list of this type of incident between the police and POCs, heck there was a similar incident that same day (the woman with her dog who was asked by a black man to take her dog to the line where the police would call in a panicked voice and shouted that she was threatened). Not only that, but there have also been plenty of peaceful protests, and then what happens? Then the Vice President comes to a match and walks back out to put on a show because kneeling is “un-American.”

The government, and especially Trump, is also simply conducive to violence. They essentially give the police every freedom to act as violently as they like. How many journalists have been arrested in the meantime for no reason (those people are treated even better in war zones than they are in the US today)? How many people? If the police want it to run smoothly, they may need to set a good example for themselves instead of shooting at the population (with rubber bullets it is true, but even though they are called “non-lethal” they are deadly).

What is happening in the US now is the result of decades / centuries of ignoring a call to tackle racism. Peaceful protests don’t work, that much is clear after all this time. What is the logical next step? Just shut up and head down? Do not think so.

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