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Active puppy left out in the cold: Little Luna was missed by everyone


Active puppy left out in the cold: Little Luna was missed by everyone

Luna must have had the misfortune of falling into the hands of the wrong masters. When they noticed that the puppy was getting bigger than they thought, they simply abandoned them.

Frankfurt am Main – She came to the shelter as a found dog and was never missed by anyone. Now little Luna is hoping for a new, loving home!

Furry nose Luna will be anything but small as soon as she is fully grown. © Montage: Tierschutzverein Frankfurt am Main and surroundings of 1841 eV

The approximately three-month-old Molosser mix puppy was taken in by the animal protection association in Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area. As those responsible there suspect, Luna was adopted in the hope of a sweet, small puppy and did not consider that “it will be much bigger than expected”, as can be read in the presentation text of the fur nose.

Probably also because of her age, Luna initially seems insecure in situations and things she is unfamiliar with. But if you give her the feeling of security, she will stop barking immediately.

In general, the four-legged friend is very alert, but still has to learn basic things such as housebreaking, keeping a leash and staying alone. Therefore, a visit to a dog school with the dog girl, who was probably born in October last year, is definitely recommended.

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While Luna acts with gross motor skills when dealing with conspecifics, but is extremely sociable, she currently sees cats more as objects of hunting than as roommates. Children under the age of 14 should also not live in a potential new home due to Luna’s natural youthful play and above all nibbling instinct.

However, if you ideally already have experience in dealing with larger dog breeds, would like to return Luna’s need for cuddles, are sporty and ready for action, then she should be the perfect companion in everyday life.

Those responsible for the Animal Welfare Association in Frankfurt am Main are desperately hoping that a suitable family will be found for little Luna (soon not going to be like that) and would like to ask anyone interested in offering the lady dog ​​a new home in a rural area to get in touch.

This is possible by calling the numbers 069/423005 and 069/423006 or using the Contact forms.

Cover photo: Montage: Tierschutzverein Frankfurt am Main and surroundings from 1841 eV

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