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Actions seem inevitable at Brussels Airlines: “Consultation was a deaf conversation, we don’t move a meter” | To travel

New consultations at Brussels Airlines about the workload of the cabin crew have come to nothing. New actions at the airline therefore seem inevitable. It may be as early as next week. However, a strike is out of the question. The unions reiterate that they do not want to hit the travelers.

The unions at Brussels Airlines filed a strike notice on Monday after a reconciliation attempt over the workload of the cabin crew failed. Another round of consultations followed today, but it did not yield much result.

“Positions too far apart”

“The positions were too far apart to reach an agreement,” said Tim Roelandt of the liberal trade union ACLVB. According to him, the unions made various proposals regarding rest times and planning. “However, management cannot or will not accommodate that.”

Paul Buekenhout of the Christian trade union ACV Puls even refers to a “deaf conversation”. “We had hoped to make at least a little bit of progress, but we are not moving a foot.”

“Creative Actions”

The unions will inform their supporters in the coming days. There is a good chance that – after a pamphlet campaign and an earlier punctuality campaign – new actions will be taken. It will probably be “creative actions”, to “create visibility”, it sounds. It is not the intention to go on strike.

The unions have been denouncing the “excessive workload” for cabin crew for several weeks. “Due to a number of changes in the way of planning, they are getting increasingly tough work schedules that cannot be maintained throughout the summer,” it sounded at the beginning of August. The management has already announced a number of measures, but according to the unions they are not structural enough.

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