Home » today » News » Action in the capital! Sofians want resignations – 2024-05-08 16:53:44

Action in the capital! Sofians want resignations – 2024-05-08 16:53:44

Source bgnes

Second consecutive evening protest on the capital’s “Patriarch Euthymius” boulevard because of the reorganization of the movement. The protesters demanded the resignation of Vasil Terziev and Boris Bonev.

Protesters chanted “Resign!” and announced that they were withdrawing their confidence from the Mayor of Sofia Municipality (SO) Vasil Terziev and from the chairman of the group of “We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria (Save Sofia)” in the Sofia Municipal Council (SOS) Boris Bonev.

“From yesterday, when this hogwash is already a fact, political speeches and political actions will be a part of our lives”, the organizers of the protest are categorical, reported BGNES.

The new markings in the part of “Vitosha” boulevard – between the NDK and the intersection with “Patriarcha” were placed at the beginning of May. Drivers already use angled parking in the area.

In addition to the reorganization of traffic on “Vitosha”, the bicycle lane has been removed to the canvas and is fenced with pegs. A new footpath has been drawn at one of the most compromised places, where daily people getting off the tram used to cross illegally to enter the park of the National Palace of Culture.

The construction of the bicycle lane is also under way along “Patriarcha”, where road signs have already been placed.

The reorganization proposed by PP-DB-SS envisages that the bus lane and bicycle lane on “Patriarch Evtimii” Blvd., “Fritjof Nansen” St. will become two-way, with the compensation being the parking spaces on “Vitosha” Blvd., opening of a parking lot of the Central Municipal Corporation for hourly parking and for those living in the “Blue Zone”; paid parking in the “Blue Zone” and on Sundays; an hour extension of paid parking in the center during the week; as well as determining sections that are intended only for residents of the region.

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#Action #capital #Sofians #resignations

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