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Acrylamide in bread and pizza dangerous to health, could cause cancer: foods to avoid

You may have often heard about acrylamide, but what is it and why could it be harmful to your health? Here’s what you need to know about it

Many may therefore have heard of the acrylamidebut what exactly is it? That’s why it could be harmful to health and would also be associated with the appearance of cancer.

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The substance in question would be very dangerous for human beings and moreover several researches would show that there is a correlation between exposure to this substance and the cancer.

Furthermore, it seems that there would be a greater danger for subjects aged between six and twelve years. This substance would also be found in many foods that are usually consumed.

Recently, the alarm about acrylamide seems to have increased. This compound would be very dangerous for the human body. It seems, in fact, that there would be the possibility of having neurological and cytological consequences and also a greater possibility of contracting cancer.

Furthermore, it seems that children would have the greatest consequences regarding the onset of cancer. The European Union would have introduced a series of regulations for the various companies that produce certain foods to prevent the percentage of acrylamide from exceeding the limits.

Clearly, the control of each food turns out to be very complex especially when it comes to large companies. Consequently, it is also up to consumers to carry out some checks.

Acrylamide and health: what to pay attention to?

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Returning to the main topic of this article, the acrylamide it would not be found in foods if they were not treated.

The substance in question, in fact, would come out when the foods are cooked and in particular, the foods in the viewfinder would be those containing starch. These include bread, pizza or even crackers. As can be seen, the foods in question are consumed on a daily basis.

Usually, it seems that this toxic substance would form when foods are subjected to high temperature cooking processes. Usually, with a temperature above one hundred and twenty degrees. Or when these are fried.

Consequently, potentially risky foods could therefore be both those that are bought and those that are prepared at home. Among these, for example, are fried or baked chips.

Even coffee could contain this substance since the beans are roasted and a very high temperature is used to do this.

As mentioned, children are also at risk. Research released last year in Foods used ninety foods that are used during weaning as samples.

The well-known biscuits that are given to children between four and thirty-four months. According to this research, there would have been a very high percentage of exposure to carcinogens. The percentage would be between eighty-seven percent and ninety-four percent.

The percentages would therefore turn out to be very worrying indeed. We could therefore think of reducing some foods that are given to children during weaning.

In fact, children would have a lower chance of fighting a toxic substance than adults.

Acrylamide, foods: how to avoid it?

In the previous paragraphs there has been an extensive explanation of how it is formed acryamide inside food but how can you avoid ingesting it?

There are small techniques that can be used, for example when you go shopping, you could buy products, such as bread, which appear to be less cooked than others on sight.

It seems, in fact, that the darker the color of the baked goods, the more there could be the possibility that the toxic substance in question is inside them.

Clearly, this criterion also applies if you prepare food at home. It is always better for these to have a lighter color than to be burnt.

There would also also be the possibility of taking Vitamin C. This, according to some research done, would allow the compound to be expelled more easily.

For example, if you decide to fry a food, it could be useful to sprinkle it with lots of lemon. Furthermore, there would also be a need to consume broccoli and other types of vegetables.

Most likely, you often already tend to have these habits but it’s always better to know why you put them into practice. In doing so there is the possibility that good habits remain over time and are not extemporaneous.

The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, they are not a substitute for medical or specialist advice, and should not be considered in formulating treatment or diagnosis.

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