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Acquisition of calcium nitrate intended for H2s treatment ON 5 lifting stations, ST QUENTIN

Notice of public call for competition
Publishing Department (s): 2
Ad No 20-153281

Object of the contract : consultation number: 20047fmv Acquisition of calcium nitrate intended for H2s treatment ON 5 lifting stations.-
Type of supply contract: purchase.
CPV – Main object: 24313400.
Place of delivery : .
Code NUTS : -FRE21.
The opinion involves the establishment of a framework agreement.
Framework agreement with a single operator.
Duration of the framework agreement: 2 year (s).
Estimated value (excluding VAT): 180,000.00 euros.
Main Features :

form of market: order form with maximum. Award of a single market
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and scope (works): Framework agreement concluded for an initial period of until 12/31/2021. Number of renewal periods set at 2, duration of each renewal period of 1 year, and maximum duration of the contract, all periods combined 31 December 2023. Total amount of services for the initial period of the framework agreement (identical amount for each renewal period): Maximum (excluding VAT) 60,000.00 euro (s).
Estimated value (excluding VAT): 180,000.00 euros.
Refusal of variants.
The procurement procedure for this notice is covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement: no.
Services divided into lots: non.
Deposits and guarantees required: no financial guarantee clause provided for.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: services regulated by unit prices Prices adjustable annually. No advance planned. Overall deadline for payment of services of 30 days.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: no form of grouping imposed on the beneficiary of the framework agreement. Prohibition to present several offers while acting both as individual candidates and as members of one or more groups.
Languages ​​that can be used in the offer or application: French.
Currency unit used, the euro.
Conditions of participation :
Legal position – means of proof required: sworn declaration to justify that the candidate does not enter into any of the cases where tender is prohibited; Information on compliance with the employment obligation mentioned in Articles L. 5212-1 to L. 5212-11 of the Labor Code ;.
Economic and financial capacity – means of proof required: statement concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the services covered by the contract, carried out over the last three financial years available; Insurance certificate;
Professional reference and technical capacity – required references: list of the main services performed over the past three years, indicating the amount, date and recipient. They are proven by certificates from the recipient or, failing this, by a declaration from the candidate; Declaration indicating the tools, material and technical equipment available to the candidate for the performance of the contract.
Reserved market: non.
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO
Award criteria:

Economically most advantageous tender assessed according to the criteria set out in the specifications (consultation rules, invitation letter or descriptive document).
An electronic auction will not be performed.

Type of procedure: adapted procedure.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: January 21, 2021, at 5 p.m.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 120 days from the deadline for receipt of tenders.

Other informations :
Further information : the electronic transmission of documents is carried out on the buyer profile. The choice of transmission mode is global and irreversible. Applicants must apply the same mode of transmission to all documents sent to the contracting authority. No electronic format is recommended for the transmission of documents. However, files should be transmitted in widely available formats. Electronic signature of documents is not required as part of this consultation. The costs of network access and electronic signature are the responsibility of the candidates. . Consultation number: 20047fmv The contracting authority applies the “Tell us once” principle. Consequently, applicants are not required to provide documents and information which have already been sent in the context of a previous consultation and which remain valid.
Conditions for submitting offers or applications:
the application is presented either in the form of the Dc1 and Dc2 forms (available free of charge on the website www.economie.gouv.fr.), or in the form of a Single European Market Document (Dume). The electronic transmission of the envelopes is required for this consultation. Therefore, paper transmission is not permitted.
Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: December 16, 2020.
Address to which offers / applications / projects / requests to participate must be sent:

Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.info/accueil.htm.
Address from which further information can be obtained:

Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.info/accueil.htm.
Address from which documents can be obtained:

Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.info/accueil.htm.
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative Court of Amiens 14, rue Lemerchier Cedex 01 CS 81114 80011 Amiens.
Body responsible for mediation procedures: Administrative Tribunal of Amiens 14, rue Lemerchier Cedex 1 80011 Amiens Cs 81114.
Service from which information can be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: Administrative Tribunal of Amiens 14, rue Lemerchier Cedex 1 80011 Amiens Cs 81114.

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