Home » today » Entertainment » Acquired actress Sigita Pļaviņa sues Liepāja Theater: demands compensation in thousands and reveals reason for dismissal

Acquired actress Sigita Pļaviņa sues Liepāja Theater: demands compensation in thousands and reveals reason for dismissal

Actress Sigita Pļaviņa together with musician Māris Kupčs.

Actress Sigita Pļaviņa together with musician Māris Kupčs.

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In July this year, the actress Sigita Plavina announced on Facebook that she has been fired from the Liepāja Theater. “I have been fired from the Liepaja Theater! Strange feelings after 29 years of service! But love stays in my heart… ”- said the actress, who was previously known by the surname Jevgļevska.

In the comments, several people asked about what had happened and some speculated that the actress was likely fired for refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

“I have to wait… I promise when the time comes, I will tell everything, everything,” the dismissed actress replied in her comments.


Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Liepaja Theater Herbert Laukšteins confirmed to the media that the employment relationship with the actress had indeed been terminated and that was the decision of the board. He cited Sigita’s repeated absence from work and refusal to comply with the board’s order as the reason.

But a few days ago, the first court hearing took place in the Kurzeme District Court, the portal “liepājniekiem.lv” informs about it.

It is known that the actress has sued the Liepāja Theater, demanding that the termination of the employment contract be declared invalid, that she be reinstated and that the moral damage caused be compensated.


However, the case has not been considered, because Pļaviņa has said that she needs more time to prepare and submit evidence, because she has such information – both in written format and audio. They prove that there were forged documents, there was a conflict of interest, as well as the disclosure of false information to the Latvian media.

The next court hearing is scheduled for November 4.

The newspaper “Kurzeme Name” has published information that actress Sigita Pļaviņa has demanded 10,000 euros as moral damages. The actress has also confirmed to the publication that the conflict with Laukšteina is old and aggravated precisely due to vaccination.


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