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Acne in the dry fall season: identify the cause and treat fundamentally

[메디컬투데이=최민석 기자] As fall deepens, the weather becomes colder and the air becomes drier. These changes have various effects on the skin, one of which is acne.

Acne is a skin disease that occurs when excessive sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria secreted by the sebaceous glands become entangled, clogging the pores of the skin or causing inflammation. This mainly appears on the face, back, and chest, where there are many sebaceous glands, and is caused by a combination of various causes such as hormonal changes, genetic factors, environmental factors, eating habits, and stress.

Especially in the fall season, when temperature and humidity fluctuate rapidly, acne can occur as the skin’s moisture balance breaks down, so you need to pay attention to prevention and care. Dry air easily irritates the skin, and natural oil secretion is reduced, resulting in moisture deficiency. This causes the skin to try to replenish oil, which can eventually lead to overactivity of the sebaceous glands and cause acne.

▲ Director Park Jae-kyung (Photo = Provided by Park & ​​Lee Dermatology Clinic)

To prevent acne in the fall, it is essential to use moisturizer on a regular basis and drink enough water. Additionally, it is a good idea to choose a mild facial cleanser to maintain the skin’s natural protective layer and use a gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells once or twice a week.

However, acne that occurs after adulthood is likely to become chronic, and treatment can be complicated. Therefore, if acne continues to recur with seasonal changes, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist to diagnose the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. Frequent recurrences of acne can be effectively managed by consistently treating acne according to the type, cause, and occurrence area of ​​acne, such as general acne, obstructive acne, inflammatory acne, pustular acne, and nodular acne.

There are various methods for treating acne, but appropriate laser treatment tailored to the individual’s skin condition and acne type can bring effective improvement. Effective methods for treating acne include PDT treatment, which reduces sebum secretion by selectively destroying sebaceous glands, Agnes and Capri lasers, LDM treatment, which is effective in improving sensitive skin and facial flushing symptoms and improving pores, and treatment of both the epidermal and dermal layers. Fraxel Dual, etc.

Park Jae-kyung, director of Daegu Park & ​​Lee Dermatology Clinic, said, “Acne is caused by a variety of causes, so treatment should be done through sufficient consultation with medical staff. “In particular, when acne scars occur, it is important to identify the pattern of the scars early and receive appropriate treatment, from laser treatment to non-laser treatment,” he emphasized.

Director Park continued, “Dry fall weather can cause acne. Therefore, it is essential to pay more attention to skin care and select a medical institution that provides 1:1 customized treatment by considering individual skin type and scars,” he advised.

Medical Today Reporter Choi Min-seok ([email protected])

Naver Post

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