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Achieving Sexual Satisfaction: Ideal Duration and Tips to Increase Sexual Intercourse Duration

KOMPAS.com – Sexual intercourse Doing it regularly can have health benefits, such as reducing stress. However, how long is natural sex?

It turns out, duration of sex what is reasonable is around seven to 13 minutes.

However, the duration of time sexual intercourse will depend on each partner.

For that, see the explanation and how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse what can be done is the following.

Also read: 5 Tips for Having Sex during Menstruation to Make It Safe for Your Health

How long is sex appropriate?

It turns out, the normal duration of sex ranges from 7-13 minutes.

Reporting from Medical News Todaysexual intercourse between couples of different genders generally lasts around seven to 13 minutes.

Sexual intercourse involves penetration through the vagina and is carried out until the male partner ejaculates.

Apart from that, the sexual intercourse carried out does not involve other factors, such as stimulation provided to the partner or partner foreplay.

Even though, duration of sexual intercourse What is done will depend on each couple and is divided into several categories, such as:

Less than three minutes is a symptom of certain health problems, such as premature ejaculation
3-7 minutes is considered sufficient 7-13 minutes is the desired normal duration 10-30 minutes is considered too long

Sexual intercourse with a duration of more than 10 minutes is generally carried out to give women an orgasm and is considered too long for men.

This condition is one of the factors that triggers dissatisfaction in a relationship, especially sexual relations.

However, the duration of sexual intercourse will be influenced by several factors, such as:

Personal views regarding sexual intercourse, such as to achieve orgasm or provide satisfaction to a partner. Other external factors, such as not wanting to wake the child so that sexual intercourse is shorter. Health problems, such as premature ejaculation. Age which has an impact on health and stamina.

Each couple will have different standards regarding sexual relations.

Although the ideal duration is 7-13 minutes, several of the factors above need to be considered to improve the quality of sexual relations.

Also read: 8 Causes of Decreased Female Sex Drive, Stress and Hormonal Disorders

The duration of sexual relations is sometimes too short so that it cannot provide satisfaction to the partner.

Extracted from Healthline and Medical News Todaythere are several ways to increase the duration of sexual intercourse that can be done, such as:

Take a break when your partner is about to reach orgasm Communicate with your partner to understand their sexual desires and needs Focus on providing sexual stimulation or performing oral sex so that the female partner can achieve orgasm Focus on foreplay before penetration Do visualization exercises and breathing techniques to inhibit orgasm Strengthen your pelvic muscles to maintain bladder health and prevent orgasm Do masturbate just before having sexual intercourse with your partner Maintain an ideal body weight to reduce the risk of premature ejaculation Try different sex positions

Understanding how long sex lasts is very important because it is one of the factors that can support the quality of sexual relations with your partner.

However, the ideal length of time is determined by several factors and you need to communicate with your partner so that sexual relations can satisfy both parties.

Also read: How many times should a couple ideally have sex in a week?

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2023-10-08 15:00:00
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