Kochi: The accused in the case of killing a college student in Moovatupuzha by hitting her with a bike has been charged with Kappa and sent to jail. Anson Roy (22), accused in the case of murdering Raghu and Girija’s daughter Namita (19) at Puspakam house in the north of Valakam Kunnakkal, who was a final year B.Com student at Nirmala College, was booked under Kappa and sent to jail.
Namita, a student of Muvattupuzha Nirmala College, died after being hit by a speeding bike on July 26. The accident happened while crossing the road. The student who was with Namitha was also injured in the accident.
Anson was arrested in connection with Namitha’s death. The arrest was made on the basis of a case registered under the charges of involuntary manslaughter and dangerous driving.
English Summary: Accused in the case of killing college student in Muvattupuzha by hitting bike has been charged with Kaapa and sent to jail
2023-10-04 11:16:37
#Namitha #killed #bike #Accused #Anson #charged #Kappa #jail