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Accused of preaching “radical” Islam, a mosque in Pessac closed by the prefecture

The Gironde prefecture has announced the closure, for a period of six months, of the Al Farouk mosque in Pessac. Managed by the Rassemblement des Musulmans association, the place of worship is suspected of propagating a “rigorous vision” of Islam.

A prefectural judgment has just been issued against the Al Farouk mosque, in Pessac: the latter must close for six months. Since February 24, the mosque has been the subject of contradictory proceedings initiated by the prefect of Gironde, Fabienne Buccio.

The Rassemblement des Musulmans de Pessac association, which manages the mosque, had ten days to defend itself against accusations of spreading hate speech, close to Salafist ideology.

“Proximity to radical Islam”

In a press release published on Monday March 14, the Prefecture justifies the closure of the mosque by “sermons and remarks [qui] have regularly incited not to respect the laws of the Republic, justified the attacks and valued death as a martyr”:

« [La mosquée] encourages identity withdrawal and condemns Muslims who do not share their rigorous vision of Islam. It regularly hosts imams known for their closeness to radical Islam and their Salafist ideology, and supports terrorist organizations or entities or individuals promoting radical Islam. »

According to the prefecture, these facts “constitute comments made, ideas and theories disseminated, or activities inciting violence, hatred or discrimination, provoking the commission of acts of terrorism or advocating such acts and justify such temporary closure”. Violation of the measure is punishable by 6 months’ imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros, concludes the press release.

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