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Accused of lying to FBI about Trump, acquitted Clinton campaign lawyer

This is a setback for the Trump camp. A Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who was on trial for lying to the FBI about the former Republican candidate was acquitted on Tuesday. Michael Sussmann had been indicted by special prosecutor John Durham charged with investigating the genesis of the Russian case by former Trump administration attorney general Bill Barr.

During the 2016 presidential election, the lawyer went to the FBI to report possible murky links between the Republican candidate and the Russian bank Alfa bank without mentioning that he was employed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

« Spygate »

After covert contacts between several members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian officials, the FBI began investigating. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller then inherited the file, but concluded that there was nothing to indict Donald Trump, mainly because he felt he did not have this power, preferring to kick in touch and let Congress decide via the ‘impeachment.

A few weeks after the publication of the Mueller report, Bill Barr, the Minister of Justice of the Trump administration, had appointed a special prosecutor, John Durham, telling Republican elected officials that the campaign of Donald Trump had been targeted by a campaign of ‘spying. This “spygate” has been regularly denounced by Donald Trump, who saw in the indictment of lawyer Mike Susseman a confirmation of his suspicions. But the lawyer, who pleaded good faith, visibly convinced the jury.

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