Home » today » Entertainment » Accused of being the star who pollutes the most with her private jet, Taylor Swift defends herself

Accused of being the star who pollutes the most with her private jet, Taylor Swift defends herself

Would Taylor Swift abuse private jet travel? This is the question that exploded at the end of last week, when the journeys of personalities are increasingly monitored on social networks. A Twitter account, CelebrityJets, tracks their least trip and the site The Yard appointed the interpreter of Shake It Off as the star emitting the most Co2 due to his air travel.

Faced with the reactions provoked by the article, Taylor Swift’s agents reacted quickly. And of course, they kicked into touch: yes, the plane belongs to their client, but it is not always her who uses it…

“Taylor’s jet is regularly loaned out to other people. Attributing most or all of these trips to him is clearly incorrect,” reads a statement relayed by the Los Angeles Times.

Not normal ?

It must be said that the figures put forward by The Yard are staggering: with her private jet, Taylor Swift would have generated, since the beginning of this year, a carbon footprint 1,184 times greater than that of a “normal” person (that is – i.e. someone who takes public transport slightly more often than a celebrity). All this for average trips of 80 minutes, and an estimated time in the air of almost 16 days since January. Worse: the site even spotted a trip between Missouri and Tennessee (two neighboring states), which would have lasted only 36 minutes. Insofar as Taylor Swift grew up in Tennessee, we can imagine that it is indeed the singer who boarded for this flight!

Taylor Swift, who also shares her jet with her cats, can in any case take some consolation: she is not the only one. Among the other stars targeted by the article for their problematic use of their private plane, we can mention Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian, Mark Wahlberg, or Steven Spielberg.

Drake, also a victim taken to task after a recent 14-minute flight, for his part used another line of defense: the plane was not chartered for him, his jet moved for logistical reasons… so to position it in a place where it will probably need it, which amounts to the same thing!

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