This procedure is carried out on the simplified procedures platform.
Application deadline : April 11, 2023 at 11:59 p.m., via the following link:
Since 2020, the ARS have been in charge of the prevention of vector-borne diseases.
Indeed, decree n° 2019-258 of March 29, 2019 relating to the prevention of vector-borne diseases attributes to the Regional Health Agencies the organization of the system for the fight against arboviruses (chikungunya, dengue fever, zika, West Nile virus, etc.), and in particular the execution of the following measures:
- “entomological monitoring of insect vectors and intervention around new establishments”;
- “measures in terms of prospecting, treatment and work around places frequented by reported human cases of arboviruses in order to limit the spread of vector-borne diseases as well as the risk of epidemics”.
In addition to this decree, two ministerial decrees, dated July 23, 2019, specify:
- the conditions for authorization by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency of bodies governed by public or private law pursuant to Article R. 3114-11 of the Public Health Code,
- the methods of implementation of entomological surveillance missions, intervention around detections and prospecting, treatment and work around places frequented by human cases of diseases transmitted by mosquito vectors.
In application of this regulatory framework, the Director General of the ARS is organizing a call for applications to authorize public or private organizations in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Interested public or private organizations can apply for authorization at the level of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region for interventions that fall under the following missions:
- entomological monitoring of insect vectors and intervention around new establishments;
- prospecting, treatment and work around places frequented by reported human cases of arboviruses, in order to limit the spread of vector-borne diseases and the risk of epidemics.
To this end, in accordance with article 2 and the annex of the decree of July 23, 2019 relating to the conditions for authorization by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency of public or private law bodies taken in application of article R. 3114-11 of the public health code, potential candidates are invited to complete the authorization file available on the platform :
Then to submit it by April 11, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. via this platform.
Candidates will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of their authorization, no later than May 15, 2023.
The authorization issued will take effect on 1is January 2024 and will be valid for four years subject to the conditions precedent.
Candidates who have already been authorized must reapply for the year 2024-2028.
Contact us :
ARS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Public Health Directorate
ARS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
241 rue Garibaldi
CS 93383
69418 Lyon CEDEX 03
Switchboard number: 04 72 34 74 00
Email : [email protected]