Home » today » Business » Accountant rings the bell: ‘I estimate that 95 percent of the shops are not eligible for government support’

Accountant rings the bell: ‘I estimate that 95 percent of the shops are not eligible for government support’

Many shops that had to close due to the lockdown are probably not eligible for government financial support. Due to the government’s calculation rules, many entrepreneurs risk not meeting the required minimum of 20 percent loss of turnover, as a result of which they cannot receive wage subsidies or an allowance for fixed costs.

What at first seemed like a slowly tightening noose, turns out to be more of a guillotine to be. The ‘hard lockdown’ is especially hard for entrepreneurs. Because not only do they already get on paper less support, they also have to see if they will get support at all!

Accountant Wim Driessen submits The Telegraph It is assumed that the months of November and December (the busiest month of the year) are used to calculate the turnover losses. In the fixed expenses allowance (TVL) is examined on a quarterly basis to determine the extent of the loss of income. In both cases, the periods end on December 31. The counter starts again on 1 January, which means that entrepreneurs are again unable to meet the minimum loss of turnover. Entrepreneurs are therefore screwed twice as hard by this lockdown, which falls exactly within those two periods.

Industry organization INretail draws the same conclusion and believes that less than four in ten affected stores can claim government support, especially the TVL. More than 60 percent of the shopkeepers surveyed are therefore in danger of getting into serious trouble if nothing is done now.

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According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Minister Stef Blok of Economic Affairs, it all becomes much too complicated if customization has to be provided or exceptions have to be made for everything. The government therefore sees it as a bureaucratic hell, while entrepreneurs will soon have to close down if help does not come quickly. The government should be able to come up with a solution quickly, because with this kind of bumbling, it seems more the policy to let trust in the government plummet as quickly as possible.

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