New radar in Otrokovice | Video: Dominik Pohludka
For almost a quarter of a year, drivers in Otrokovice have been monitored by a new section speed measurement radar. The facility, which is the first of its kind in the city and cost 1.5 million crowns, is located in Bří Mrštíků Street in Kvítkovice. According to the town hall and residents, the innovation has proven itself. Another radar could appear in the city next year, the town hall is currently processing the necessary permits.
Drivers arriving in Kvítkovice on the so-called “old Malenovské” used to be informed of their current speed by the indicators placed from the direction of Napajedel and Malenovic. Nevertheless, many drivers did not take their foot off the gas, which a large part of the local population complained about.
“There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t meet a driver who was literally rushing like a madman with Kvítkovice. I live near the entrance to the village, where until recently there was only an up-to-date speed indicator, and I know that some people measured 80 km/h there,” said Martin Skopec, a resident of Kvítkovice.
Therefore, the town hall purchased a section speed measurement radar, which can measure speed not only at one point, but also in a section, which increases the effectiveness of control and makes more drivers comply with the regulations.
“Since its introduction into heavy traffic, it has already recorded more than 1,600 cases of exceeding the permitted speed,” said Lenka Vaculová, spokeswoman for the Otrokovice town hall.
“However, our intention is not to collect thousands in fines, but to make drivers slow down, respect traffic regulations and thus ensure greater safety on the road not only for vehicles, but especially for pedestrians and cyclists,” said the mayor of Otrokovic, Hana Večerková.
In addition, the city expects that as awareness of the radar increases, the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit will decrease as motorists gradually adapt to the introduced innovations.
The radar in Kvítkovice is the first of its kind in the city. But it probably won’t be the last. The city plans to install more radars.
“Since the radar has proven itself, we are processing the necessary permits for further speed measurements. The new radar could thus be in Nadjezd Street and in Baťov at tr. Tomas Bata. If everything goes well, one of these radars should be installed next year,” added the mayor.
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