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According to Science, These are 5 Advantages of Introverts

What is an introvert? Why not use the word introvert? As it turns out, the two are words that denote different terms. According to the KBBI, introvert is defined as a closed nature or does not like to express one’s heart to others. While, introvert interpreted as an attitude of not caring and arbitrarily without thinking of other parties.

In other words, introvert is usually correlated with asocial nature (ignorant and not easy to open up to others). While, introvert correlated with antisocial (dislike with existing social norms). So, you already know the difference between the two words, right?

This time, we will know some of the advantages of introverts. Apparently, they tend to be smart, you know! Do not believe? Come on, take a look!

1. Introverts can control their emotions well

illustration of people enjoying solitude (pexels.com/Andre Furtado)

People with introverted personalities usually have stable emotions. Emotionally, they tend to be strong, not easily influenced, and can regulate emotions well. That’s why, for most introverts, an outburst of anger is so rare. They consider it a waste of energy.

According to Verywell Mind, The significant difference between introverts and extroverts does require an introvert to take an independent attitude in managing stress wisely. With this practice and habit, they can eventually control their emotions in a stable manner.

But, unfortunately, the level of stress that is borne by introverts is usually heavier than extroverts. Naturally, this personality group will overcome their problems and mental burdens alone. So, there’s nothing wrong, introverts don’t need to be proud to express their feelings or even ask for help.

2. Introverts tend to be independent

Are You Included?  According to Science, These are 5 Advantages of Introvertsillustration of a person working alone (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

Because they like to be alone, introverts are considered to be able to act independently and not bother others. However, on the other hand, most of them also didn’t seem to like being bothered by other people’s presence. Seems selfish, but that is one of the hallmarks of an introvert personality. This is also confirmed on the page Medical News Today.

Yup, in the study, it was found that one of the traits of introverts is independent or independent. They prefer to live life at their own pace without interference from others. In general, introverted people can rely on themselves to solve many problems.

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3. Introverts are true thinkers

Are You Included?  According to Science, These are 5 Advantages of Introvertsillustration of a person alone (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

Reported page Bio Space, an introvert can be correlated as a true thinker. The reason is, many of them like to think deeply about everything, including the goals and challenges of life. This may also be related to the number of corporate leaders in the world who are introverted.

Fundamentally, introverts can also be related to those who like to think and imagine alone without involving other people. That’s why, introverts are superior in terms of thinking and imagining.

4. Introvers do not depend on others

Are You Included?  According to Science, These are 5 Advantages of Introvertsillustration of self-employed person (pexels.com/Venessa Garcia)

In line with their independent character, introverts also have other advantages, namely not depending on other parties. However, actually, in the evolutionary line, humans or homo sapiens are social beings who need groups. This is of course very different from solitary or solitary organisms.

A study published in the page Web MD revealed that people with introverted personalities are more reliable in terms of work independence. They don’t like to depend on others. In some cases, they appear dominant and do not easily give up on any issues.

5. Introverts are usually smart

Are You Included?  According to Science, These are 5 Advantages of Introvertsillustration of people at work (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

Generally, people who tend to be introverted also tend to have above average intelligence. They are used to solving problems on their own without anyone’s help. This causes their brains and abilities to be trained independently. However, that doesn’t mean extroverts aren’t smart.

An in -page psychology journal High Ablility revealed that there are several advantages of being introverted over other traits. They can concentrate and learn things better than extroverts. However, on the other hand, introverts are more considerate than extroverts.

Those were some of the traits that are also the hallmarks of an introvert personality. Well, how? Are you one of them?

Also Read: Known Thinkers, 7 Situations Only Introverts Understand

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