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According to Orbán, the migration situation is worse than in 2015

“The migration situation is much worse than it was in 2015. The EU can only cope with this situation if it has external allies and Egypt is one of the most obvious allies. ” – Viktor Orbán told reporters after the summit of the Visegrad countries and Egypt in Budapest. According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, Hungary is feeling the growing pressure from Asia through the Balkans on the Serbian-Hungarian border, while there is also huge pressure on Europe from Africa.

“We are surrounded by a circle”

he declared. Orbán suggested that the EU convene a meeting of the EU-Egypt Association Council as soon as possible, and that the EU accept Egypt as a strategic partner and adopt the steps proposed by Egypt to curb terrorism. “Accept as our own” the list of persons and organizations classified as terrorists by Egypt! – He told. (MTI)

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