Despite the heat wave, the Mozdulj, Dunakeszi! event attracted hundreds of people. program on Wednesday, during which world fitness champion Alexandra Béres held a training session. Before the program, which has been a great success since 2016, mayor Csaba Dióssi greeted the star coach and the athletes from Dunakes, with whom the city manager and his wife went through the training. As a surprise at the end of the sports program, the staff of the Dunakeszi Program Office treated the participants with a plastic water bottle.
– As one of the most popular star coaches in our country, he is now training in Dunakesz for the third time. How does it feel to come back to the city and train hundreds of ladies and a few gentlemen on Katonadomb on the Danube? – we asked Alexandra Béres before the program.
“I was really looking forward to today, maybe because I already know what to expect.” I remember how many bright-eyed, cheerful ladies faced me in the previous two years. I also remember how good it was to be able to exercise in such an oxygen-rich area. Even for us instructors, it is special that we can go outside in the summer, breathe a little together, enjoy the smell of nature while we move. Today will be challenging because it is 35 degrees. I think only the most determined will come. I told the family at home, I wonder how many people will attend today’s training. Even now, I am very excited because I prepared with a gymnastics class. I wonder if we can push through together despite the heat.

– I’m sure that a lot of people will come, since you are very popular and the people of Dunakes love to play sports. To what extent does the heatwave – which you also alluded to – define today’s training program, since, unlike you, it is not world champion athletes who train, but very enthusiastic women and men who love exercise. Did you take this into account when compiling the program?
– Of course, I try to take my audience into account, I always see their movements, but it is difficult to work individually with a community of hundreds of people. I always say at the beginning of my class that I ask everyone who feels that it is a little more difficult to stop and relax. We didn’t come here to get crazy muscle fever, we came here to have fun. So I can continue with those who can handle it, if they promise and allow me to do so. This is how training starts, but luckily everyone can take care of themselves. I always indicate when a more difficult exercise is coming up, which can be made easier and the intensity of the rhythm reduced.

– In the previous minutes, you talked about how you can train in a very pleasant oxygen-rich environment. How typical is this throughout the country, that you can hold your classes in such a beautiful, green environment, as here in Dunakeszin?
– It is very rare, usually sports halls in different cities host those who want to do sports. The initiative of the local government is wonderful, that Mozdulj, Dunakeszi! those who want to do sports can join the program for free. Since I’ve been training online, we’ve been “going outside” since with the help of the phone, we can train even on the beach, in such a beautiful green environment or in the forest. I told many of my guests that I would like to go on vacation with them, to send me a photo from here and there, where they “took me” either to a city on the Danube or to the beach.

– To what extent does our nutrition determine our state of fitness and fitness?
– Of course, it is very important how we eat, because it gives us strength and energy, and it also gives us a zest for life.
I advise everyone to pay attention to their health throughout their lives, because it is our greatest asset, and I think it is the best investment.
I can help with this as well, my weight control food recipes can be downloaded for free on my website. We also help with professional advice on how and with what selection we try to put together our diet.

– In one of his posts he wrote: “The miracle is in you!”. Is it really in us?
“Yes, I believe that the miracle is within us.” But this sentence is about not expecting results from others, not expecting super capsules, shakers, or training plans from others.
Trust in ourselves that we can do it and that we are capable of getting more out of ourselves. This is how I understand that the miracle is within us, and I mean this very, very seriously.
By the end of the interview, hundreds of ladies and a few men took their places under the shady trees of Katonadomb to exercise for an hour with the fitness world champion Alexandra Béres, who was greeted with kind words by mayor Csaba Dióssi. The leader of the city – who did the intensive exercises with his wife – told us that he was 24 years old when Alexandra became the Hungarian champion, when fitness was still in its infancy in our country. “Alexandra drew attention to the importance of daily exercise and became a role model for an entire age group,” emphasized Mayor Csaba Dióssi.

After the one-hour intense, but extremely good-humored training session, the group photo was taken, many selfies were taken, and the staff of the Dunakeszi Program Office gave the athletes from Dunakes a plastic water bottle as a surprise, and hats off to them for training in the heat.
Imre Vetési
Photo: Krisztián Tóta, and KesziPress