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Accidents involving school buses and cars in snow and ice

Saarbrücken/Koblenz (dpa/lrs) – Snowfall and mirror-smooth roads caused numerous accidents in Rhineland-Palatinate on Wednesday morning. The Koblenz police headquarters counted around 70 accidents. These are largely due to the snow, said a spokeswoman. However, there were no serious injuries.

A school bus and a car collided on a snow-covered road near Kell am See and Schillingen in the Trier-Saarburg district. According to the Trier-Saarburg district administration, six children, the driver of the school bus and the driver of the car were slightly injured. Overall, the police headquarters in Trier counted 52 traffic accidents and 13 minor injuries on Wednesday morning, according to a spokesman.

According to the police, a passenger was slightly injured in an accident on Autobahn 3 near Neustadt/Wied in the direction of Frankfurt and taken to the hospital as a precaution. A car overturned on Landesstraße 83 near Spessart (Ahrweiler district), the driver was slightly injured.

Emergency services also had a lot to do in Saarland. A police spokeswoman said there were around 60 operations in the morning. Due to the weather, there was a car accident near St. Ingbert in the Saar-Palatinate district, in which three people were injured.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the weather should calm down on Wednesday afternoon. The snow will increasingly turn into sometimes longer-lasting rain, it said. The temperatures reach a maximum of five to eleven degrees and one to four degrees in the Westerwald. On Thursday, the meteorologists are expecting lots of clouds, some rain and temperatures of up to 15 degrees in the Vorderpfalz.

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