Home » News » Accidents – Freiburg im Breisgau – Freezing rain: first accidents on slippery roads – panorama

Accidents – Freiburg im Breisgau – Freezing rain: first accidents on slippery roads – panorama

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Freezing rain in the south, snow in the north: Wednesday’s weather puts many people in danger. The German weather service has warned in an official storm warning of black ice in parts of Baden-Württemberg. “The rainfall is so heavy that the ice sheet is growing in a way that is predicting icy conditions,” said a DWD meteorologist. A bad weather warning will be issued in the late morning.

Large parts of southern Baden up to Upper Swabia and possibly even the Swabian Alb will be affected. “Freezing rain would be less dangerous than freezing rain. This immediately forms a smooth surface on the roads,” the meteorologist said. Significant traffic delays are expected. In the northern half of Baden-Württemberg, the first snow was already falling from the west.

Meanwhile, slippery morning roads in southern Baden have resulted in several accidents. One driver was slightly injured, police said. In Gaggenau (district of Rastatt), a driver crashed his vehicle into a wall and was slightly injured. The Freiburg police also reported several accidents: among other things, one car slid into a guardrail, two others crashed into a wall. A motorist also went off the road and stopped in the ditch. However, no one was injured in the crashes.

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