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Accidental meteorite volcano in Indonesia looks like a watchdog

Indonesian photographer Song by Gunardo Take absolutely stunning pictures. It looks like a turquoise meteorite atop Mount Merapi, Indonesia’s most active volcano.

Now the virus has shared the picture on his account and took a photo of the photo on May 27 Instagram “Did the meteor fall on the top of Mount Merapi?”

Although the volcano looked like a cave of extraordinary evil with the power to shoot laser beams, there was nothing wrong with that. It’s actually a meteorite. The color of a meteorite depends on its composition, and with its brilliant green color, it is rich in magnesium.

It is even possible to determine where the meteor shower came from, but there were actually two meteor showers on the day of the shooting.

There are laser beams in the density of all the best villains. Image courtesy (C) Song by Gunardo

Eta Aquarius is nearing the end of their bath on May 27, while Ariadne is still in her infancy, so maybe both. Both are more visible towards dawn. Since the image was taken at 23:07 local time, the former may be higher than the latter. Ariadne One of the most intense meteor streams Up to 60 stars fall per hour, but most of them cross the sky during the day, so we can’t see them.

Whatever the appearance, it is a sight to behold in its utter annihilation by the light of glory in the atmosphere, captured in a series of extraordinary photographs.

Pan Pan. Owned by Image (C) Song by Gunardo

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